Life after physical death

- 49 - We had a kind of Church in our village and this is where we assembled on a regular basis to pray in order to give thanks to the fact that we were allowed to live there. We also sang together. I did however not perform the function of a pastor or a preacher, I was like all the others. We also didn’t have a leader or mayor. All were equal. This is why it was like a little paradise, as I had imagined it. But I also do not know how paradise actually is. We talked a lot in those days, particularly about our terrestrial life. Everybody told the story of their whole life. All of us together investigated the difficult situation encountered during our lives on Earth. Everything that had to be said was being said. We revealed all of our faults. This made us freer inside from day to day. There was no judge present to hold us accountable. There were some amongst us that had burdened themselves with greater guilt during their life on Earth. But as they were in possession of a solid faith in God after their demise, they had come to us and not ended up on the ‘other side’. They had to undertake assignment later in order to verify that they were really solidly behind God, assignment where they had to help others or go into battle against Lucifer’s side. These are very hard battles and they expose you to powerful attacks and to powerful doubts so that one has to really prove one’s endurance. Such situations have always cropped up over again during my development in the world that I now live in. I can only emphasise that without a solid belief in God, such things cannot be endured. It is important to pray and to be on guard when under attack by the lower side. Lucifer is very powerful and he has the ability to make entities appear as one of our own in our region, entities that actually belong to the other side. Whilst I was in the village, I heard that there had always been spirit beings that were duped by the other side and then went across to Lucifer’s realm and that there were other spirit beings that still felt as crippled as they were during their time on Earth. I absorbed these narrations within and they initiated a thought within me, namely to give assistance to such spirit beings as an assignment for me. I then made contact with two spirit entities and they told me that if I wanted to take on such an assistance assignment, they could lead me from my village to a region where such work was possible. It was then my wish to leave my previous village where I had lived for 25 to 30 years. I once again entered a beautiful region and I have performed this new activity from that day onward until the present day. The spirit entity Alberto Petranius (a spirit being who guides healing energies through Mr. B. into our world, treats ‘ill’ spirit beings in the world of the hereafter and professes to have lived as a man in Italy) was introduce to me here with you and I now work with him. We had a lot more success since then. I often go to the grey, nebulous zones where spirit beings roam about and where they at times behave as daft as they did during their terrestrial lifetime. This is where these beings, and myself too, can downright freeze. It is an inner freezing. The negative side is very powerful in this region. To go to these zones requires a lot of energy. One requires a lot of help and I have always received it. Spirit beings live in the nebulous zones that often never prayed during their lifetime, they must now traverse through various stadia and they sometimes do not progress at all for a long time. In this state they do not realise that they continue to live to the utmost degree and that they are basically healthy. They are influenced and led astray by the negative side and they are hindered from developing further. They do not pray and they have no knowledge whatsoever about the conditions in our world. I can interfere with the negative side’s attempts to influence them. These roaming spirit beings must realise that there is only one Lord. Once they do so, they can get help. But they often reject me and others like me because they do not believe us. We must also battle with spirit beings from the negative side, not physically, but with our thoughts between one spirit and another. With the help of God and positive spirits, I then manage to achieve that the negative spirit finally retreat. Only then can the