Life after physical death

- 31 - The spirit admitted that this was a completely reasonable conclusion and said: ‘This means that I am, as it were, ‘dead’ and will probably have no further use for my old body anymore. If you can learn something from dissecting it, then go ahead and carve away!’ – He then suddenly added: ‘Listen here doctor, give me a quid of tobacco!’ When I answered that I did not have any tobacco, he asked for a pipe and said: ‘I do like to smoke!’ This request was naturally also denied. – As my wife has always had a great abhorrence in regards to shewing tobacco, it was completely impossible for her subconscious to have played a part in this event! After I had once again explained to him in detail that he had actually what one called ‘died’, he immediately comprehended his actual situation and left us. When I later examined the teeth of his cadaver I found that they clearly indicated that this person must have overdone the use of tobacco all his life.” Dr. Wickland reports about his further experiences and insights with the following words (23, P. 32): “The change or transition, called death – this word is the wrong denomination – generally regarded with fear and horror, usually takes place in such a natural and simple way, that the majority of people are not consciously aware of their transition after leaving their body. And in as far as the deceased are not informed about a spiritual life after, they are completely ignorant about the fact that they have entered a different state of existence. Robbed of their physical sense organs, no terrestrial light shines for them, and due to a lack of understanding of a higher aim in life, these people are spiritually blind and find themselves in a twilight – the Bible calls this ‘extreme darkness’ – and roam around in a region that is known as the earth’s sphere. Death doesn’t turn a sinner into a Saint and no wise man into a fool. The ethos remains as before and every human being takes his old passions, habits, opinions, false doctrines, indifference or doubts with them to their otherworldly life. ‘People are the way they think in their heart!’ By adopting spirit forms that are the result of their terrestrial imagination, millions of deceased human beings remain within the earth’s sphere for a time and often even at the scene of their life on Earth, arrested there through habits and declinations. ‘Because your heart is where your treasure is’ (Matthew 6, 21). On the other hand, those amongst the deceased that have advanced their development and ended up in a higher spiritual world, assiduously endeavour to teach these earthbound spirits. Due to their false concepts about the state of death, the latter are often stuck in the delusion that those that died before them are either ‘dead’ or ‘ghosts’! This is why they often decline to recognise their friends and fail to gain clarity about their own condition. A lot of them find themselves in a state of deep sleep, others believe that they have lost their way or are confused. The thus mentally confused are tormented with fears in the disconcerting darkness they find themselves. Others are tormented by their conscience and suffer from fear and remorse about the life they led on Earth. Others are driven by selfish and evil emotions to look for an opportunity to put their tendencies into action. They then remain in this state until the disintegrating effect of their wishes have been established and until the soul clamours for better insights and enlightenment and advanced spirits approach them in order to help them. Without their own physical body through which they could effectuate their terrestrial-human passions, many disembodied spirits are attracted by the luminous emanations of people. They join these ‘magnetic auras’ and this gives them a way to express their wishes and wants on the physical plane, namely by influencing people, ergo making them possessed or taken possession of them! Such obtrusive spirits influence receptive psychic people with their thoughts, transfer their impulses to them, weaken their resolve, often control what they do or fail to do thereby causing great distress and cause mental confusion and other ailments! These earthbound spirits are the ‘devils’ one has always believed in; ‘devils’ of human origin, the products of human selfishness, false doctrines and ignorance, they arrive completely blind on the spiritual planes and they are retained these by the fetters of their ignorance. The influence of these disembodied entities is the cause of many unexplained and mysterious events here on Earth and it is responsible for a large part of the misery in this world. – Purity of moral conduct and principles or a high level of understanding are not necessarily a secure protection against possessions! – Only the general acknowledgment of the meaning of these questions and indoctrinations, as well as their elucidation, constitute a means of protection against this!