Gods antagonist and his helpers

31 impression of the whole figure could be seen the way I had seen this apparition in the early morning hour. But the lower body was now turned towards the door and the garment seemed to float, like an angel in flight. The full face could be discerned in this imprint as if the figure was turning its head. Only the ornament of the head cover were smudged, even though its form was clearly visible. The imprint was three-dimensional as if it was still alive. My father and I did not talk about this experience ever again. Nobody was allowed to enter this bedroom again. The wallpaper was later torn down. This picture occupied my mind for a long time. My father died one year later . A complete stranger suddenly talked to me after the service as over and he enquired about how I fared. He wanted to know every detail about the last days before my father died. I told him about our experience with the angel of death on that particular morning. I was afraid that he too would laugh at me, but he only said: ‘I not only believe you, but I am convinced that you have seen all of this. I knew your father better than you. Your father belonged to a secret lodge.’ This experience is still so vivid in my memory that every time I visit somebody in their deathbed, I first look at the wall to see whether this angel of death or his imprint can be seen. But I have never again encountered him or his image. W. Th. In R.” * * * * * * * 3. Reference (The translator does not know whether any of these books were ever translated into English) (1) F. Blanke: "Parapsychologie und Christentum", Neue Wissenschaft, H 4/ 1954, S. 97-99 (2) G. Frei: "Ein Volksmagier", Neue Wissenschaft, H 6/1952, S. 191-197 (3) J. Greber: "Der Verkehr mit der Geisterwelt Gottes, seine Gesetze und sein Zweck", Johannes Greber Memorial Foundation, 139 Hillside Avenue, Teaneck, N.J. 07666 U.S.A., 10. Aufl. 1987 (4) H. Menge: "Die Heilige Schrift", Privileg. Württemb. Bibelanstalt, Stuttgart, 16. Aufl. (5) W. Schiebeler: "Besessenheit und Exorzismus, Wahn oder Wirklichkeit?", Selbstverlag, Ravensburg 1985 (6) W. Schiebeler: "Leben nach dem irdischen Tod. Die Erfahrungen von Verstorbenen", Selbstverlag, Ravensburg 1988 (7) W. Schiebeler: "Der Tod, die Brücke zu neuem Leben", Verlag Die Silberschnur, Melsbach/Neuwied 1988 (8) Joseph Vianey: "Leben und Wirken des hl. Johannes Baptista Vianey, Pfarrer von Ars", Verl. Gebrüder Steffen, Limburg/Lahn 1930 (9) W. Th.: "Der Todesengel an Vaters Bett", die andere Welt, H 6/1967, S. 555