Survival after death

Preface by the publisher 1
1.0 Introduction 2
2.0 The biological concept of life 6
3.0 The intellectual life 6
4.0 The physical nature of life’s intellectual processes 7
5.0 The prerequisites to maintaining life 10
6.0 Special cases of life’s intellectual processes 12
7.0 Possibilities of continuing to record and process information after one’s terrestrial demise 15
8.0 The process of the terrestrial demise from a parapsychological point of view 20
9.0 The visible appearance of the shape of the deceased 23
10. Psychic messages from the deceased 37
11. Cross-correspondence 44
12. Messages from past composers 46
13. The authorship of physical apparitions within parapsychology 52
14. Conclusions in regards to the experience material 57
15. The contrast Spiritism – Animism 60
16. Bibliography 66