Survival after death

absolutely unthinkable and only a substance of faith. This is a mistake! The idea of immortality results from the logical certainty of the insight that human beings are the product of an organised POWER something that is purveyed through the empirical certainty Spiritualism and Spiritism provide. Those that deny this have still a lot to learn. Bad Salzuflen, June 2000 1.0 Introduction Our present day sciences, particularly the natural sciences, have furnished us with some very significant insights about the universe, our Earth, our environment and our human body during the last centuries and to a greater degree, during the last decades. We are for instance quite well informed about the functions of our human body, about its illnesses and their treatment. But all conventional sciences have so far come to a full stop in regards to man’s demise. Birth and death are seen as the beginning and the end of the human existence. People generally do not know why they run the gauntlet between these two alleged counterpoints. Birth is most of the time seen as a joyful event, whilst death on the other hand is seen as an unmerciful destroyer. But a science that we call parapsychology, it should in fact call para-normology, has existed for more than 100 years. This science reaches beyond the existing natural sciences, it tries to expand them. Now, what is the field of research for parapsychology, what does it deal with? We have a priory four conventional sciences that specifically deal with human beings and the phenomenon of their existence. They are: 1. Physiology ; it is the doctrine dealing with the normal physical processes of life. 2. Medicine ; it is the doctrine and medical science dealing with pathological, physical processes of life. 3. Psychology ; it is the doctrine dealing with normal, mental life processes. 4. Psychiatry ; it is the doctrine and medical science dealing with pathological, mental processes of life. Next to these is a 5 th science, namely parapsychology . It is the doctrine dealing with mental, respectively spiritual, processes of life that deviate from the normal, but are not pathological . Parapsychology 1 deals with events that take place within or with living human beings or in their environment and they are somehow, in an unknown way, connected with the human spirit or with the phenomenon we call life. These processes are of a nature that cannot be classified within normal psychology, physiology or physics. One therefore calls these processes paranormal . The phenomena parapsychology investigates can be classified into a number of large groups: Firstly, into parapsychological processes. These include extrasensory perceptions , that is to say, the reception of information without using the sensory organs we are familiar with. We are dealing here 1 A made-up word of the following Greek components: para = next to, beyond + psyche = soul; logos = word, description, symbols.