Elves, fairies, dwarfs, do they exist in our world?

Thus far the extracts from the expositions of the sensitive Dora van Gelder . The benevolent, but initially sceptic reader of these reports should allow then to gently settle in their mind and compare the various accounts with one another. I thank that they complement one another without contradictions. The girls from Cottingley photographed winged elves and Dora van Gelder describes the same kind of elves. Beings with thing arms and legs and with pointed hats appear in all of these descriptions. One cannot sweep aside the pronounced perceptions of numerous people throughout the ages as figment of their imagination as far as I am concerned. We must acquiesce to the fact that there isn’t just an ethereal, beyond-death world next to our coarse physical world, but that a world of nature spirits exists next to our world that remains invisible to most people. * * * * * * * Reference (1) E. Bäzner: "Die Naturgeister" , Drei Eichen Verlag, Munich (2) A. C. Doyle: "The Coming of the Fairies" , Publisher Hodder and Stoughton, 1. Edition 1921, later Publisher Samuel Weiser, New York 1972 (3) E. L. Gardner: "Fairies, The Cottingley Photographs and their Sequel" , The Theosophical House London Ltd, London 1945 (4) E. L. Gardner: "Elfen, Fotografien von Naturgeistern und wie sie entstanden" , Ansata Publisher, Interlaken/Switzerland 1979 [Edition in German of (3)] (5) D. van Gelder-Kunz: "Im Reich der Naturgeister" , Aquamarin Publisher, 3. Edition, Grafing 1995 (6) R. H. Krauss: "Jenseits von Licht und Schatten. Die Rolle der Photographie bei bestimmten paranormalen Phänomenen - ein historischer Abriss" , Jonas Publisher, Marburg 1992