Chapters 8 to 9 - Christ’s Teachings and Today’s Christianity

- 4 - 8. 1 God’s World of Spirit as a source for the Truth (From the SPHERES of LIGHT) Where is the water of a brook purest and clearest? Near the source or near the mouth? Most assuredly, near the source. As the spring water flows on as a streamlet, however, it loses its freshness and with it its purity and clearness. Muddy waters coming into it right and left mingle with its current. Further down it receives the drainage from human habitations, human and animal waste, and that of human industry. It no longer refreshes those who would drink its waters to quench their thirst. They drink of it only with revulsion and only as a last resort, when no spring water is to be had. The same may be said of the truth. Taken at its source, it is a refreshing drink that bestows new life, but when it is drawn from the stream that has flowed for a distance through the lowlands of human error and worldly passions, its purity and freshness are gone. The falsehoods and errors that have been mixed in have given it a bad taste. • The thirsty truth-seeker drinks from this murky stream only with inner repugnance, and only when denied the clear water of the fountainhead of truth. The teachings of Christ met with a fate like that of the water from a spring that, as a brook, flows by the dwellings of men. They, too, were defiled when they flowed through human channels. • The evil that is in men and the Powers of Evil that surround them have so sullied and rendered unpalatable Christ’s pure teachings, that they have lost their life-giving power. The source of all truth is God. A source to which man cannot ascend in his earthly form. He must therefore depend upon the bearers of the truth who draw from that source. These are God’s spirit messengers. • Only they are admitted to that source. • Only they possess the clean vessels in which the truth can be brought fresh and unsullied to mankind. The first and the greatest of truth-bearers was Christ as a spirit, in the days preceding his incarnation. It was he who, partly personally, partly through his subordinates in the spirit world, brought the drink of truth to early humanity. Hence the active intercourse with spirits by the sick and exhausted world of Old Testament times. Hence, also, the coming and going, in the early days of the Christian era, of truth-bearing spirits, who constantly drew upon God’s fountainhead and brought the water of truth, at Christ’s behest, to the human souls who thirsted for the truth.