Chapters 8 to 9 - Christ’s Teachings and Today’s Christianity

- 28 - 8. 5 There is no eternal Hell If it were true that there is an eternal hell, as is taught today, wherein would lie the ‘g l a d tidings’ God promised as the completion of His Plan of Salvation? • A completion that involved the eternal damnation of countless spirits would assuredly be no day of gladness, but a day of horror for all of God’s Creation. What then would become of the Redemption of all, preached so often and so insistently by Paul? What of the fulfillment of God’s promise given through the mouth of the Prophet Isaiah, that unto Him every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear, and all shall come, even they who had been hostile towards Him? What would become of the fulfillment of all the passages of which I have spoken to you? All of God’s enemies will be laid at the Father's feet by Christ, not by force, but by a merciful love, against which not even Lucifer can hold out forever. • G o d f o r c e s n o f a l l e n s p i r i t i n t o s u b j e c t i o n ! Had He wished to, He could have done so long ago, for even hell must obey His omnipotent will. When hell one day humbles itself before Him, it will do so of its own free will, in contrite acknowledgment of His justice, love, and patience. A doctrine to which you cling with astonishing tenacity although it was unknown to the early Christians is that of an ‘eternal hell’.. This is a spectre that you seem unwilling to surrender. Do you perhaps imagine that you can accomplish more with poor humanity by preaching a barbarous untruth than by preaching love and mercy? To what trouble you go to find support for this untruth! You say that a so-called ‘m o r t a l s i n’ must entail eternal punishment, seeing that it is an unforgivable affront to God. T h o s e a r e w h o l l y m i s t a k e n , m a n m a d e c o n c e p t s ! No creature can affront God unforgivably and thereby incur unending punishment. The lower the standing of him who affronts you, the less attention you will pay to his insults. What is a miserable creature as compared with its Creator? A mere speck of dust! • Your insults do not even touch God; they hurt not Him, b u t y o u r s e l v e s . Again, if a mortal sin were an unpardonable affront to God, it could not be forgiven during your lives on earth. On the other hand, if, as your doctrine claims, it can be forgiven in men, why should