Chapter 7 - Christ – His life and His work

- 2 - 7. 0 Christ - His Life and His Work For us Christians there is but one God, the Father, in Whom everything originates and for Whom we were created, and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came into being and to whom we owe our existence. Corinthians 8: 6 What think ye of Christ? This question was written in letters of fire before my eyes from the day on which I had resolved to become a priest. It was to be my duty not only to proclaim Christ’s teachings to my fellow believers, but also the truth concerning his person, his life and his work. • Who was Christ? • Who had he been before he became a man? • What was he as a man? • Was he God, or only a Son of God? • Was he, after his human birth, a man like us in mind and body? • Was he begotten and born like all men? • As a child, was he obliged to acquire knowledge, as are all children? • Did he, too, have to come to recognize God step by step, and to travel the same road travelled by all who seek to know God’s nature and His will if they want to reach an understanding of God? • Was he exposed to the temptations of evil, and to all of the fateful consequences attendant upon his choices, as happens to all of us daily? • Was it possible that he, like the rest of mankind, might have succumbed to these temptations? • Could he, perchance, like millions of others, have been induced by the Powers of Evil to forsake God? • And if he had been sent to redeem humanity, wherein did the Redemption lie? What was the explanation for all these related questions? After I had become convinced at the spiritistic Divine services that God’s spirits speak through mediums, as they had in the early Christian communities, it was above all full enlightenment on these questions concerning Christ that I asked for. My request was granted, to the smallest details. And that knowledge constituted the most precious possession of my soul.