Chapter 7 - Christ – His life and His work

- 12 - 7. 1 The Human Birth of Jesus, his childhood and his siblings Procreation and birth in God’s Creation follow immutable laws. The union of the seed of the male and the female is required in every instance. • This is a law to which there is no exception! Human procreation can, therefore, come about only when the seed of a human male unites with that of a human female. • Hence, no discarnate spirit, celestial or infernal, can beget offspring without using a human body and human seed. You interpret the Biblical account of the conception of Christ as though a spirit from heaven had begotten the Child in a virgin’s womb without the aid of a male human body and male seed. This is an incorrect interpretation, And it gives countless people, believers and unbelievers, good ground for denying, or at any rate for doubting, the way in which the Son of God became a human being. Here we have an instance in which what is marvellous and unusual, although in complete accordance with the laws of nature, borders closely upon what is unreasonable and, hence, unbelievable. I will tell you the whole truth of the matter, for I know that you will understand it. When a deep-trance medium’s spirit has left his body and a foreign spirit has entered, that spirit is capable of using the organs of the body in precisely the same way as the medium’s own spirit. • Consequently, a foreign spirit, good or evil, that occupies the body of a male medium is capable of begetting offspring with a woman. Did I not, when speaking to you of the idolatry of antediluvian times, particularly call your attention to the carnal intercourse had by the evil spirits, through male mediums, with the daughters of men, by whom, according to the Bible’s own testimony, they had children? If this is possible for evil spirits, should it not be equally possible for the good ones? If the fallen ‘sons of God’ could beget children through human mediums and so corrupt mankind, ought not the faithful sons of God be able to do likewise on behalf of mankind’s salvation? Now you will understand the human conception of Christ without the need of any further explanation. • The human medium was Joseph, to whom Mary was betrothed. Spirits of God had already repeatedly spoken to Mary, through Joseph as their medium, of the coming Redemption. Such spirit messages were nothing out of the ordinary for her; as a matter of fact, the Jewish people generally were thoroughly familiar with communication with the spirit world. This is evident from the account in the Scriptures of the appearance of the angel to Zacharias. When Zacharias left the temple and was unable to speak, the people realized that he had been visited by a messenger from God. (Luke 1: 22)