Chapter 6 - Messages from the good World of Spirit concerning religious questions

- 29 - The incarnation of ‘Eve’, as the first woman is called in your Bible, took the same course as do all spirit materializations. In her case it was no longer necessary for God to take the od of the earth, since a ‘materialization medium’, namely Adam, was available. Adam’s possessing unusual mediumistic powers was due to the circumstance that the spirit world had materialized his body and was in constant mediumistic contact with him. Just as today the materialization of a spirit is possible only when the materialization medium is in a deep trance, so it was in those times. The deep trance into which Adam fell is referred to in the Bible by the words: Genesis 2: 21: ‘God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep.’ This was a mediumistic sleep, in which Adam’s spirit left his body. As is the case also today, the od of the materialization medium is not sufficient to effect complete materialization and must be supplemented by substance drawn from the medium’s body in dissolved form. So, in materializing Eve, the spirit world dissolved a part of Adam’s physical substance and used it to fashion Eve’s body. This proceeding gave rise to the Biblical account of the removal of one of Adam’s ribs: Genesis 2: 21-22: ‘When Adam had fallen asleep, God took one of his ribs and formed it into a woman.’ As a rule, the materialization of spirits lasts for a limited time only, after which dissolution takes place and the od and physical substance lent by the medium is returned to him. However, in the case of Eve, permanent materialization was aimed at, and for this reason, none of the od or the part of the physical substance taken from Adam could be restored to him. Hence, the spirit world had to make good his loss, which it did by drawing upon the od of the earth, as it had done when it first formed Adam’s body. This is indicated in the Bible with the words, which you have so far not understood: ‘He closed up with flesh the place where the rib had been removed.’ This is how the first pair of human beings was formed, from whom the whole line of human beings was to descend by way of reproduction. In physical reproduction, only the seed out of which the child’s body is to grow is transmitted. • The spirit is united with that body only moments before birth, in conformity with laws unknown to you. The life of the child within its mother’s womb originates with her. It is her blood that circulates through the child’s body and sets its organs in motion as soon as they become reasonably ready to function, which generally happens in the fifth month of human pregnancy. This movement of the child’s organs while it is still in the womb is necessary, to accustom them to the part they will have to play. It is not, therefore, produced by the child’s spirit, which is not embodied until later, but by the mother. It is a process similar to that used in breaking in an engine after it has been finished and assembled. Initially, it is set in motion by outside power, before being equipped with its own, under which it will later operate. It must be broken in before it is ready for service, and the same thing applies to the bodies of developing terrestrial beings. God’s omnipotence and wisdom are nowhere more evident to thoughtful minds than in connection with nature’s great secret of the coming into the world of a new human life. The same thing being true, of course, as regards all other living creatures.