Chapter 6 - Messages from the good World of Spirit concerning religious questions

- 27 - God, have once again reached this spirit sphere of happiness as a preparatory stage for the sphere of heaven. Then they may re-enter the spiritual Garden of Eden, and from it ascend to that glory out of which they were once driven because of their own sins. So, the opposite of what God is supposed to have mockingly uttered according to the report in your Bible is true. That account says that God, at the moment when countless hosts of His children were being driven into the unspeakable woe of utter exile from His kingdom, exclaimed: Genesis 3: 22: ‘Man has become like one of us; now he knows what is good and what evil. Let him not also reach out his hand to take and eat the fruits of the tree of life and become immortal.’ These are the words of a fiend, not those of an infinitely benign God and, as a matter of fact, they are the words with which Satan mocked the deceived spirits. God, on the contrary, wants these spirits, even after their fall, to reach out for the tree of life, in obedience to His will and in their return unto Him. The powers of the abyss, however, are intent upon preventing those spirits, which first experienced God’s clemency in the creation of the ‘spheres of improvement’, from extending their hands toward the tree of life and from returning to God. Could Lucifer have had his way, those stages would never have been created and the material world would never have existed. He would then have been able to exercise his despotic sway over those spirits without restraint and without having to fear the loss of a single one of his subjects. I must also take exception to the way in which the creation of the first woman is described. According to the Biblical account, God resolved to give the first man a helpmate in his isolation. To this end He is said to have formed out of the earth every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man, in order that he might find a woman among them. But no suitable mate was found. In order to remedy this inconvenient state of affairs, God is said to have caused the man to fall into a deep sleep, during which He took one of the ribs out of his side and closed up the gap with flesh. From the rib, God is said to have made a woman and brought her unto the man as his mate. As you know, this story has been made the butt of ridicule, especially among the irreligious. It is painful to see God’s act of Creation so grossly misrepresented and exposed to ridicule by man. In this instance also, Evil has turned the fair image of truth into a repulsive caricature, through the instrumentality of its human agents and so that the conception of an almighty and all-knowing God should be turned into something ludicrous, since to make a thing an object of ridicule is to forge the deadliest weapon for its destruction. • God did not prevent this distortion of the truth, as indeed He does not intervene when people want to do evil things. Seekers after the truth, and the righteous generally, always had the means at their command to allow them to discriminate between the true and the false, also in the falsified versions of the Holy Scriptures, being free to communicate with the good spirit world from which they could learn the truth at all times. What, then, is the true story of the creation of the first pair of human beings?