Chapter 6 - Messages from the good World of Spirit concerning religious questions

- 22 - 6. 4 God’s Plan of Salvation (Indoctrination from the SPHERES of LIGHT) What we say is wisdom in the eyes of those who are ready to receive it, but it is not the wisdom of this world.… We proclaim God’s mysterious, hidden plan, which He conceived before the time began for our glory. (I Corinthians 2: 6-7) After the revolt of a great part of the spirit world, God determined upon a plan for saving the unfortunate beings that had fallen into the abyss, and for bringing them back into His kingdom. His clemency would be extended first of all to the less guilty, those countless hosts that had committed the sin of ultimate desertion when they were subjected to renewed trial in the sphere of paradise. Only after these had been saved, would their corrupters, Lucifer and his lieutenants, be allowed to return to the house of the Father. God is just. • Those who had been misled were guilty of weakness only, but those who had led them astray had sinned with premeditation. Since their offenses had been fundamentally different, so too would be their punishment and their respective paths of return from the abyss. The first step toward salvation was God’s creation of spheres of progress or improvement, ranked according to laws incomprehensible to you and conceivable only by the infinite wisdom of God. In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul refers to these steps by which spirits may ascend out of the darkness toward God, when he mentions the spheres of development that God created in order to carry out His resolution that all would once again be reunited with His Son. At this point the original text makes use of the metaphor of the building of a house with its several stories. If you take this metaphor in a spiritual sense, you will more easily understand what I am about to tell you of the ‘spheres of improvement’ for the fallen spirits. • What you call ‘hell’ is the lowest stage to which all fallen spirits were sent. • But even hell has a number of spheres of progress through which a spirit may work its way upward by a change of heart, until it reaches the first of the terrestrial spheres. These begin with the stage of the lowest forms of animal life and advance through the stages of rocks, plants, herbs, flowers, and the higher beasts, arriving finally at the stage of the highest animals, known to you as ‘human beings’. • These terrestrial spheres exist not only on your earth, but also on other heavenly bodies. There are, therefore, many stages parallel to those on your earth. The terrestrial stages exist not only in the material form that you see before you in the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms, but there is also a corresponding spiritual form and, in consequence, there are spiritual animal, plant and mineral kingdoms embracing the most varied orders and species of living beings, which in the spirit kingdom are clothed in odic bodies, the counterparts of the material bodies you see on earth. • Spirits parted from their material bodies by corporeal death return to the respective parallel spirit spheres, where they remain until they are reincarnated by rebirth on earth.