Chapters 3 to 5 - Communication with Spirits during the Post-Apostolic Period and in Modern Times

- 60 - When, therefore, the “clairsentient” woman felt Dr. Pagenstecher’s sensations as though she were inside his organism, it was because his odic radiation transmitted these feelings. In his case the radiation had an effective range of only three meters; it was not powerful enough to influence the odic vibrations of the “clairsentient” woman at a greater distance. When clairsentient people experience the sensations of others, they are in a state resembling a partial trance, in which their own spirit is separated to some degree from their body. The coloured band of od the woman saw connecting her with Pagenstecher was his odic radiation passing over to her. The fact that all odic radiations have a colour has also been brought out in the section on od. Colour also depends on odic vibrations, as do sounds, the senses of smell, taste and touch, and all other expressions of life, the moving force of which is always the spirit. All of these things are intimately connected. A meteorite, too, is a living being, as there is a spirit in everything that exists. Hence, a meteorite has its characteristic odic vibrations, which, as it flies through space, are influenced by the odic vibrations of the heavenly bodies there, as well as by its falling to immeasurable depths. All odic vibrations of a living being leave impressions upon its od, in ways analogous to those left on a phonograph record by the vibrations of the tones of a singer, with the result that they can always be played again thereafter. The same process that takes place in more material form in the case of a phonograph record takes place spiritually when clairsentient persons “replay events” after coming into close enough contact with the odic record of a living being, whereby the same vibrations, and hence the same sensations, are produced in their own od as are on the record in question. This also explains the ability of Pagenstecher’s clairsentient medium to see the fate and the personality of the writer of that letter aboard the sinking ship. It should be added, however, by way of further explanation, that the odic record of a spirit resembles not only a phonograph record but also a photographic plate, and that, in consequence, it will reproduce not only the sensations, but also the image of the person from whom the odic radiations emanated, since the image, too, is produced by odic vibrations. In a similar manner our most recent inventions seek to make it possible for us to see the persons with whom we are talking over the telephone. This, too, is based on odic vibrations – the physical processes occur in more material condensation and the spiritual processes in a spiritual form. Pagenstecher and his clairsentient medium showed an average weight loss of 100 grams during the experiments. This, too, is easy to explain, since every surrender of od is attended by a loss of weight. In Pagenstecher’s case it was due to the fact that he radiated a rather large amount of od to the medium, while in her case a corresponding loss of od was caused by receiving and spiritually processing the odic impressions. All work, spiritual as well as any other, involves a certain consumption of od. It is like playing a phonograph record, for which we require a sufficient amount of power to rotate the disc fast enough to reproduce the sounds recorded on it. All work performed by human beings involves the liberation of od, which in turn means a loss of weight. If we weigh ourselves before working, and again afterwards, we will find that our weight has decreased in proportion to our exertions, mental or physical, although there may have been no bodily evacuations in the meantime. Even magneto-paths, who treat their patients by magnetization, and in so doing give off some of their od, undergo a corresponding loss of weight during the process.