Chapters 3 to 5 - Communication with Spirits during the Post-Apostolic Period and in Modern Times

- 47 - 5. 2 Carlos Mirabelli, the Brazilian medium. (Journal for Parapsychology, 1927, pp. 449-462) In 1927 there appeared in Santos, Brazil, a book entitled: “O Medium Mirabelli”. It contains a 74page account of the phenomena observed with a medium of that name. These phenomena all occurred by daylight or at least by bright artificial light, at times in the presence of as many as 60 witnesses from the leading scientific and social circles of Brazil. Inasmuch as the reports include the most incredible phenomena as yet experienced in this field, the editors of the Journal for Parapsychology, inquired of the Brazilian consul in Munich whether the persons cited in the book “O Medium Mirabelli” as bearing witness to the truth of these phenomena were known to him by standing and reputation. The consul replied with an emphatic yes, adding that he was personally acquainted with 14 of the witnesses named in the book, among them the current President of the Republic, who had acted as the chairman of a board of arbitration concerning Mirabelli. The consul furthermore named the Secretary of State, Reynaldo Porchat, Senator Muniz Sodre, and Olegario de Moura, Professor of medicine at the University of São Paulo, and declared that if only these four men, who were not only great scholars but persons of proven character, speak out for anything, it was not for him to doubt the correctness of their perceptions. Mirabelli was observed by 557 witnesses (452 Brazilians and 105 foreigners). They included 2 university professors, 72 physicians, 18 druggists, 12 engineers, 36 lawyers, 8 translators, 3 farmers, 22 dentists, 5 chemists, 20 writers, 89 statesmen, 25 military officers, 52 stock marketers, 128 merchants, 9 manufacturers, 18 journalists and 32 people with other occupations. In addition, many members of religious orders attended the séances. Mirabelli is a universal medium. His odic power being sufficient for all types of spirit-communication phenomena. • He is a speaking medium. While in a state of trance, he speaks, besides his mother tongue and several of the local dialects: German, French, Dutch, English, four Italian dialects, Czech, Arabic, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Hebrew, Albanian, several African dialects, Latin, Chinese, modern Greek, Polish, Syria-Egyptian dialects, and ancient Greek. In his normal state he knows only his native language. While in a trance he holds lectures on subjects about which he as a human being knows nothing. These lectures deal with the fields of medicine, jurisprudence, sociology, political economy, politics, theology, psychology, history, the natural sciences, astronomy, philosophy, logic, music, spiritism and occultism, and literature. According to the medium’s own statement, nothing that he utters while in trance comes from him, but from spirits that speak through him and whose names he willingly gives. He calls them his spirit guides. • Mirabelli is also a writing medium. To date he has written in 28 different languages while in trance, setting down his words at a speed no writer in a normal state can equal. Thus in 15 minutes he wrote 5 pages in Polish on: “The Resurrection of Poland”; in 20 minutes he wrote 9 pages in Czech on: “The Independence of Czechoslovakia”; in 12 minutes, 4 pages in Hebrew on: “Slander”; in 20 minutes, a German composition on: “Greater Germany, Its Downfall and Resurrection”; in 40 minutes, 25 pages in Persian on: “The Instability of Great Empires”; in 15 minutes, 4 pages in Latin on: “Great Translations”; in 12 minutes, 5 pages in Japanese on: “The Russo-Japanese War; in 22 minutes, 15 pages in Syrian on: “Allah and his prophets”; in 15