Chapters 3 to 5 - Communication with Spirits during the Post-Apostolic Period and in Modern Times

- 43 - In all that takes place at the Kluski séances, the medium does not participate in any way as a thinking or acting personality. He is simply and solely the source of power from which the spirits that appear secure the od necessary for the manifestations. If the medium is unable to supply enough od, either because he is physically ill or because he is weakened from having already provided so much od, the phenomena take place either imperfectly or not at all. Prof. Pawlowski saw the od as luminous smoke or cloud, or as sparks and tiny flames. Within these he saw pairs of eyes, and later, entire faces, that grew into complete figures in proportion to the increase of odic force. It is the same thing that we find in the Bible in connection with the burning bush, the pillars of cloud and fire of the Israelites, the cloud above the Tabernacle, the cloud on Mount Tabor, and the small odic flames seen at Pentecost. All of these occur in the Bible in connection with communication with the spirit world, as has been described in detail in the preceding chapters. When the report quoted above mentions the growth of the small materialized spirits to normal size as soon as the participants at the séance began to breathe deeply and evenly, in measured time, this will, after what has been said, be understood at once. Not only the medium provides od to the spirit world, but also the others present (some more, some less), especially when they have been attending such séances regularly. They are, so to speak, assistant mediums to the chief medium. It is a fact, furthermore, that the liberation of od by the participants is greatly increased by deep and even breathing; hence, the art of breathing plays so important a role in the mediumistic exhibitions given by fakirs. The temperature drop toward the end of the séances instead of a temperature rise as might be expected is also due to natural causes. As was stated in the chapter devoted to od, it is only in its condensed form that od is perceptible to the human senses and usable by the spirits for working on matter. It was further explained that the condensation of od is effected by means of cold power currents, according to the universally applicable law that cold condenses. Such cold currents must be applied in extra strength toward the end of a séance, because the warmth radiated by the persons present has an adverse effect on the condensation of the od. These cold currents cause a drop in temperature. Prof. Pawlowski is astonished at the human behaviour of the materialized spirits, into whose eyes and faces he could look, whose figures he could feel, and whose breathing, heartbeats and voices he could hear. If, however, we bear in mind that these spirits are the same personalities they were as mortals, that as spirits they possess the same organs we do, with the sole difference being that theirs are spiritual whereas ours are corporeal, we can readily understand that the heart of a materialized spirit beats audibly and that we can hear the breathing of the materialized lungs of the spirit beings, which function precisely like ours. By the same token, the various individual limbs that appear are simply materializations of the respective spirit limbs. The hands that were dipped into the paraffin until this cooled were the materialized hands of a spirit, and they had the same distinctive features that they had when that spirit lived in its earthly body. Hence, the thumbprint and fingerprints of a materialized spirit hand are exactly the same as those it had in human form. Furthermore, we find evident also all of the other peculiarities the spirit had when alive on earth when, as a spirit, it materializes using the condensed od of a medium. That is the reason why also the hairs on its hands and fingers can be seen, if the spirit, as a human being, had hairs there. Consequently, it is quite natural that some of these hairs should have been found in the paraffin after it had cooled, for if a person whose hands are at all hairy dips them into hot paraffin, some of the hairs will fall out and remain in the paraffin.