Chapters 3 to 5 - Communication with Spirits during the Post-Apostolic Period and in Modern Times

- 20 - But most of the demons that appeared from August 1842 until February 1843, and even later, were among those that fervently longed for release from the bonds of Satan. They spoke numerous languages, but for the most part non-European ones. The attempts of individual demons to speak German were strange and sometimes funny, particularly when they tried by circumlocution to express ideas for which they did not know the German expressions. Occasionally there were words that Blumhardt was unable to ascribe to any of the mentioned types of demons, for they sounded like the language of a higher region. • They were words of instruction and of reference to God, addressed in part to people present, and in part to the demons themselves, to make them aware of the impious nature of their doings. For a long while Blumhardt did not know how to behave toward the different kinds of spirits, particularly those that were suffering greatly and begged for his help. Blumhardt writes: “For a long time, I did not pay any attention to what they said, I was often seriously distressed on seeing the woeful expression on their faces, their hands raised in entreaty, and the tears streaming from their eyes, while listening to their words of despair and fear, and to their appeals, which should have moved a heart of stone. Reluctant as I was to take action for their release, because I feared for the integrity of my creed as a Protestant, I could in the end not refrain from making the attempt, especially as the demons would not be driven away by either threats or exhortations. The first demon with which I ventured the experiment was the spirit of that woman who seemed to have been the start of the whole matter. She again appeared in Gottliebin, and announced in a firm and determined manner that she wanted to belong to the Saviour, and not to the Devil. She then said how much had been changed in the spirit world as a result of the battles that had been fought. • Adding that it had been most fortunate for me that I had resorted only to the word of God and to prayer. Had I taken recourse to the mystic expedients that were currently so popular among people, and to which the demons had tried to drive me, I would have been lost. As she said this, she raised her finger meaningfully and closed her remarks with the words: ‘It was a terrible fight that you undertook.’ She then entreated me urgently to pray that she might be completely freed from the power of the Devil.” Day by day Blumhardt saw more clearly that the communications of the well-disposed among the suffering spirits were made under Divine guidance. They also took place without commotion. Nevertheless, the real interrelationships behind the events seem to have remained hidden to him. I shall cite here only one more case, a particularly interesting one, taken from Blumhardt’s report. One of the spirits begged that he might be permitted to enter the church for a while. Blumhardt replied: “You can see that it is the Lord Who is pointing out the way to you, and that it is not up to me. Go wherever He directs.” The spirit continued: “Might I not visit your home?”