Chapter 2.2 - The mediums

- 32 - 2. 5 Biblical accounts of mediums and schools for mediums. (Transmission from the SPHERES of LIGHT) I raised up some of your sons as prophets and some of your young men to be dedicated to God. (Amos 2: 11) To the people of today the idea of the possibility of communication between spirits and mankind seems strange and new. This is because you read the Bible only superficially and do not reflect deeper upon its teachings. If you did, you would have to ask yourselves, as you read what is reported there: ‘How did all these things happen? How were they brought about? What am I to think of them? How am I to explain them?’ Seeing that even the opening passages of the Bible relate that God conversed with mortals, that He spoke with Adam and Eve, with Cain and Abel, with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and Moses, you, as rational beings, should at least make the attempt to understand the process by which this was done. Those to whom God’s spirits spoke back then were human beings like you. They had their sins and shortcomings, as you have yours. The laws of nature that governed their lives on earth were the same as those that govern yours. God and God’s spirit world are also the same today as they were then. And when you read further and find that there was daily communication between the people of Israel and the spirit realm of the Beyond, that every man could ask counsel of God and receive an answer, that the leaders of the people undertook nothing without the advice of the good spirit world, then your own common sense should tell you that communication with the spirit world is possible. And if it is possible, and was maintained for thousands of years by mankind in the past, why should it be denied to the people of today? You seem to believe that it rests entirely with the spirit world whether or not it will communicate with you, and that it can, of its own accord and at its own will, bring about such contact, without your cooperation. You seem to think that the spirits are free to visit mankind any time they want, and that all people have to do is to admit the spirits and to listen to what messages the spirit world may bring. And since you see no evidence today of the spirit communication of old, which plays such an important role in the Bible, you have come to the conclusion that the Beyond has ceased communication with the world of the living once and for all. This is an unfortunate mistake. On the contrary, the good spirit world longs to come to you today and is ready to cross the bridge leading from the Hereafter to the Here. • But you must help to build that bridge. In the past also, mankind on its part had to fulfill all the conditions required to enable the spirit world to communicate with it. The peoples of old were familiar with these conditions, and observed them accordingly. Today when you read in the Bible the description of the phenomena that accompanied the manifestations of spirits, you think that these phenomena were mere external trappings, having no connection with the spirit communications themselves. Do you honestly believe that it was nothing more than game playing and unnecessary outward affectation when the Angel of the Lord spoke to Moses from the burning bush and to the Israelites from the pillar of cloud – that He could have made Himself understood without the flame and the pillar of Od? Do you perhaps think that God was