Chapter 2.2 - The mediums

- 29 - urged upon him, he should commit them to paper. If his hand is set in motion by an external force, he should yield to it. • At the end of the time the individual has allotted to this private Divine service, he should conclude with a prayer. He may rest assured that from the first moment he seeks contact with the good spirit world, it will begin its work on him and create all the conditions necessary for such contact. In fact, this work begins as soon as a person turns his thoughts seriously to this subject. • It often happens that psychically gifted individuals experience what is to them an inexplicable sensation during the first serious conversation they engage in about the spirit world and its contact with mankind. This sensation arises from the fact that the spirits of the Beyond, some of whom are always hovering about, immediately begin to exert their influence on them, as they, because of their mediumistic predisposition, are highly susceptible to any odic action on the part of the spirit world. • Until a person knows at least something of the possibility of communicating with the spirit world it would serve no purpose for the spirits about him to begin to work on him. Not only that, but it might have very unpleasant earthly consequences, for neither he nor his relatives would be capable of understanding the mediumistic symptoms that he was developing. He would be thought to be suffering from some nervous disorder and would be put under the care of a physician or sent to a sanatorium. • Hence the good spirit world begins its work only when there is some prospect of success, not otherwise. At the conclusion of these teachings, I want to answer a question which many people ask, and rightly so: Does spiritism have a detrimental effect on the health of mediums or of those who attend spiritistic séances?’ My answer to this is: ‘No’ – and ‘Yes’. No, if a meeting at which spirits appear is held under God’s auspices, if everything done at that meeting is done in His name, if you put yourselves under His protection, and if you love Him and seek only what is good, contact with the spirit world can never harm you. • On the contrary, you will be strengthened physically and spiritually. Especially the mediums. Sleep, which you require to refresh you, is not needed by mediums while they are in deep trance. This, of course, holds true only provided you are serving the good cause and send the evil spirits away. • As long as mediums are in a state of trance, their bodies are resting and are thereby invigorated. Even though we, the good spirits, may be at work on them or through them, they are in no way harmed. On the contrary, they enjoy physical repose, as I said, and feel better at the end of a séance