Chapter 2.2 - The mediums

- 21 - 2. 4 The procedures of a spiritistic meeting (Transmission from the SPHERES of LIGHT) When a group of seekers after God and the Truth have decided to unite in an effort to enter into communication with the good spirit world, the first thing to be determined upon is the place at which their meetings are to be regularly held. This place should be chosen so as to ensure that they are not disturbed. You, too, when conducting important worldly affairs, are careful to provide against intrusion. This is all the more essential when you are trying to establish a purely spiritual bond, which would be much more susceptible to disturbing influences than would any worldly undertaking. • The best time for such meetings is in the evening after eight o’clock. This is when the day’s work with its worldly cares and thoughts is over, and people can devote themselves calmly to inner composure. • Generally speaking, séances should not be held more often than twice a week. • Before the meeting, the room should be thoroughly aired to rid it of all vapor, tobacco smoke and stale air, For the odic force of the participants is greatly reduced by impure air, and the odic radiation so essential to the spirit world is obstructed. • To keep the air pure a large bowl of fresh water should be placed in the room; this absorbs a part of the air which becomes stale in the course of the séance. • On the table at which the participants are to be seated place a few sheets of paper and a soft pencil for each of them. • Immediately before the opening of the séance, those present must no longer talk about material matters, but must concentrate their thoughts and dismiss all purely worldly matters from their minds. Remember, it is for a Divine service that they have assembled! • The seat each participant chooses at the first meeting should be regularly occupied by him thereafter, because the odic radiation, which varies with each individual, must gradually be brought into a certain equilibrium. • For this reason, those present should seat themselves alternately according to gender, for the od of the male is predominantly positive, while that of the female is negative, and offsetting the one with the other is the best way of establishing a balance. However, this alternate seating arrangement is not imperative; it merely facilitates the balancing of the od for producing an effective odic current. A change in the originally adopted order of seating should be made only if the spirit world gives such an instruction through a trained medium or a medium undergoing development. • If there is a musical instrument like a piano or an organ in the assembly room, it is best to begin the meeting with a religious hymn, sung to accompaniment by the instrument.