Chapter 2 - The Laws Governing Spirit Communication with Material Creation

- 21 - hand. Your physical hand is really nothing but the shell of the materialized hand of your spirit, formed by the condensation of terrestrial Od. • If, therefore, a disembodied spirit wants to grasp the same material object, it must first materialize its own spirit hand by condensing the terrestrial Od at its disposal. There is no other way to do it. The materialization need not, of course, be as strong as that of your physical hand; it need not even be strong enough for the spirit hand to be visible to your physical eyes, but still strong enough to grasp the object. If the available Od is insufficient to effect such a condensation, the foreign spirit will be no more able to grasp the material object than you if your arms and hands had been chopped off. It is true however, that a spirit can grasp and move a material object without materializing its spirit hand, provided that it previously dissolves the object into Od, for matter that has been converted into Od, and hence, etherealized, is directly accessible to a disembodied spirit. Unless such dissolution has taken place, a material object can be grasped by a disembodied spirit only if its spirit hand has undergone materialization, for only like can grasp like. There are many degrees of Odic condensation or materialization, from that visible only to a clairvoyant’s eye to the complete materialization of spirits, in which case they differ in no respect from a material body. • The degree of condensation is thus dependent upon the amount of Od available to the spirit world for its purposes. Let me cite a few more examples. Your own spirit wants to speak so that your fellowmen may hear what you say with their corporeal ears. What must it do? It must make use of your body’s material organs of speech; without them it will not succeed. And when a spirit wants to speak, having no body and, consequently, no organs of speech, what must it do to produce sounds intelligible to human ears? It has two ways of doing this. One way is to materialize its own spirit organs of speech by condensing them with the aid of terrestrial Od. The other way is to condense the spirit sounds by means of the mediums’ available Od to such an extent that they become audible to human ears. In the latter case, therefore, the spirit does not need materialized organs of speech, but merely the condensed Od of the sounds. You describe this method of speech by spirits as ‘direct voices’, which can be heard with more or less volume, according to the greater or lesser amount of Odic force supplied to the spirits by the mediums for the purpose of condensing the Odic sound. You are visible to your fellow creatures because you have a material body. Your material body, however, is only the material shell of your spirit with all of its organs, for every organ found in your body has its counterpart in a spiritual state in your spirit. If, therefore, a disembodied spirit wants to appear to terrestrial eyes in such a way that it will be taken for a terrestrial being, it must clothe its spirit form with all of its spiritual organs in a shell of matter, which it produces by means of the condensation of terrestrial Od. In the case of a spirit so materialized, the human eye can discover nothing to distinguish it from a normal person. This spirit has skin and bones, all external organs, fingernails, hair and teeth, as well as all inner organs, like a heart that beats, blood that circulates, and whatever else is present in any normal, flesh-and-blood human being. A complete