Chapter 2 - The Laws Governing Spirit Communication with Material Creation

- 20 - From what I have told you so far you will be able to deduce for yourself that sufficient Odic power is a prerequisite for every task performed by the spirit world on terrestrial beings in a manner perceptible to your senses. • Odic force is the fuel throughout all of God’s Creation, including the spirits’ workshop on earth. The question now comes up of its own accord: Where do spirit beings get the Odic force they need for their communication with terrestrial creatures? You might conclude offhand that it would be sufficient for spirits to use their own Odic force for their work with matter. This, however, is not the case, for spirit beings require their Odic force to sustain their own life functions and to perform their work in the spirit world. Above all, however, the Od of the higher spirit world is far too fine and pure to combine with the very differently constituted Od of terrestrial beings. You too have fine substances that you cannot mix homogeneously with coarser ones. It follows that for its work on earth the spirit world must use Od of a type suited to the terrestrial Od, and, as a rule, it finds this Od in those terrestrial beings within whose domain that work is to be performed. Human beings, animals, plants and minerals are therefore the sources of Od from which the spirits take the necessary fuel, and you call these sources of Od ‘mediums’. • Terrestrial beings that are able to spare sufficient Odic force are said to be ‘psychic’. To a small degree all terrestrial creatures are mediumistic, for all possess Odic force and are able to spare part of it, but in most cases their ability to do so is so slight that using them as sources of Od for the activities of the spirit world is out of the question. Even the Odic force of the ‘mediums’, although it may be sufficient in quantity, is not always fit for immediate use. It must first, in all cases in which it is to be used as a fuel by the 'higher spirit world’, be purified, or, so to speak, ‘filtered’. Many of the substances you have on earth must be similarly ‘filtered’ before you can use them. • Of course, the lower spirit world does not need to purify the Od of the mediums, for the more impure this Od is, the better it is suited to the Od of such spirits. Hence it is also much easier for them to use mediums for their purposes, and they arrive at this end much more quickly than do the higher spirits. What I now have to say about the use of Odic force you could, as a matter of fact, discover for yourself by logical deduction from what I have already told you. “It concerns finding an answer to the question: In what way does the spirit world employ terrestrial Od for work to be performed with material beings? The best and shortest answer would be: • It uses the same means your own spirit must use to activate the material limbs of your body in order to perform acts that can be perceived by the senses. So, in most cases, must a disembodied spirit provide itself with limbs of matter to make such activities possible. It does this by clothing its spiritual limbs in the Od taken from mediums and appropriately condensed.1 Whenever your own spirit wants to grasp a material object, it can do so by means of your material 1 See brochures about materialisation by Professor Dr. W Schiebeler