Chapter 2 - The Laws Governing Spirit Communication with Material Creation

- 18 - the handwriting peculiar to the sender while he was alive on earth; the handwriting changes only when the character of the deceased has undergone a marked improvement in the Beyond. • Since a person’s destiny appears pictured in his Od like building plans and is transmitted by the Od to his physical body, it can be read also in the lines and marks of his body. Hence, whoever is familiar with these marks will be able to see at least a part of what a clairvoyant can see more fully in the Od. I could dictate to you a very interesting book on all of these interrelated facts, but it is not my task to enrich human knowledge; I am charged only with telling you enough of these matters to enable you to understand the facts of communication by spirits with the material world, and the laws on which that communication is based. • Inasmuch as Od is spiritual in its nature, it also has the property, in common with spirits, of being unobstructed by matter of any kind. In the same way that it permeates its own (physical) body without meeting resistance, it can pass through any other matter, once it has left that body. There is nothing that can obstruct it. “You have something similar in the case of so-called Roentgen rays (X-rays), so it will not be difficult for you to understand what I am saying. Furthermore, just as in nature powerful forces are developed under the influence of heat, accompanied by the formation of clouds, and become visible in the shape of lightning, so the spirit world can, with the help of the Od, create very powerful energy currents, either hot or cold. In the case of lightning, you speak of hot flashes, which melt whatever they strike, and of cold flashes, which do not set fire to things but act only through the enormous pressure they exert. • Heat expands and dissolves, while cold contracts and condenses. This is a law that applies not only to the world of matter, but to that of spirit as well. As you are able to convert matter into steam with the aid of high temperatures and even to cause this steam to become invisible to the human eye, so too is the spirit world able to dissolve matter completely. It also makes use of hot power currents, by means of which it converts matter into an od-like, that is, etherealized form. • For, as I have explained to you, all matter is nothing but corporealized Od, which can be dissolved into spiritual Od. Matter that has been converted into Od penetrates everything material without meeting resistance, just like all other Od, and it can be transported anywhere and then recondensed anew into matter. “You speak of this dissolution of matter as ‘dematerialization’ and of the condensation of Od into matter as ‘materialization’. Whereas the spirit world causes matter to dissolve by means of hot, high-power Odic currents, it uses cold currents for condensing Od, in keeping with the general laws of nature. And just as you, when employing powerful terrestrial currents, observe great care so as not to be harmed, so the spirit world takes equal precautions when applying Odic power currents. When you handle high-tension wires, you make use of so-called ‘insulating devices’. You speak of ‘short circuits’ and similar contingencies. Likewise, when using Odic currents for ‘dematerialization’ or ‘materialization’ in the presence of terrestrial beings, the spirits must use the same care in order to avoid harming these beings and to accomplish the desired dissolution or condensation of matter.