Chapter 2 - The Laws Governing Spirit Communication with Material Creation

- 12 - Alcohol consumed in excess will also cause the expulsion of Od and thereby bring on partial or complete insensibility. The sense of feeling returns as soon as the body has gotten rid of those foreign substances. Contrariwise, feeling persists even after a corporeal limb has been separated from its body, for the Odic body of a terrestrial being remains intact, even after a limb of the corporeal body has been removed. • A person who has lost a leg, therefore, still has the Odic leg, and since Od is the conveyor of feeling, the person often feels as though he had not lost the corporeal limb at all, even after it is gone. He feels pains in the knee, the calf, the heel or the toes of a leg that is no longer part of his body. Anyone who has undergone amputation will bear out this statement. • Because the Od remains with the spirit when the latter leaves the body at corporeal death and is the conveyor of physical sensations, it is possible for the disembodied spirit to experience the same sensations as a spirit still inhabiting the material body. For this reason, the spirits of the departed are able to feel pain as acutely as they could during their earthly life. Spirits of those deceased who because of the lives they led have been committed to a lower (inferior) sphere believe that they still inhabit the earth as human beings. This is because: first, they still have the same sensations they had as living human beings; second, they look upon their Odic bodies as bodies of flesh and blood, because the Odic body has exactly the same shape and appearance as the material one; and finally, they have lost all recollection of their corporeal death. • The Od of each living being has a distinctive Odour. Since Od is spiritual in its nature, its Odour is perceived through spiritual powers of perception and not through the physical sense of smell. The Odour of the Od of each living being differs from that of any other. Just as there are no two individuals with the same physique and the same features, so no two human beings have the same Od and the same Odic Odour. As every spirit, even a disembodied one, possesses an Odic body, so, likewise, disembodied spirits have their own characteristic Od smell, which is the more unpleasant, the lower the spirit. That is why the old books, when reporting of the appearance of the Devil, speak of his arriving with a vile stench. Due to the fact that the Od extends beyond the body in the shape of the aura, it can be perceived by others from its smell. Something of the Odic scent of a living being adheres to every object that its Odic radiations touch. • It is by the Odic scent that a dog can tell its master’s belongings and tracks. The Odic scent leads police dogs onto the trails of criminals. Only when the original trail has been obscured by later ones whose Odic scent is fresh does it become difficult or impossible to follow the old trail. • The Odic radiation of a living organism with its characteristic scent adheres not only to coarsegrained matter with which it came into contact, but also to such fine-grained substances as the ether through which the organism passed.