Chapter 2 - The Laws Governing Spirit Communication with Material Creation

- 10 - speaks of the ‘Odic body’, or the ‘astral body’, or the ‘fluid body’, of material beings, as distinguished from their material bodies. It is what the Bible calls the ‘spiritual body’.. It is not visible to your corporeal eyes, but so-called ‘clairvoyants’ endowed with the gift of spiritual sight can see these Odic radiations or ‘Odic bodies’. • The spirit is the source of life, but the scope and the activity of your lives are determined by the Odic force connected with the spirit and hence called the life force. This force manifests itself in vibrations of the Od. Every expression of intellectual life, every expression of life about you in nature, all natural forces are Odic vibrations.. All thought and all volition are expressed in the corresponding Odic vibrations, set in motion by the spirit, as the bearer of the Od. Every physical sensation, every mental emotion is caused by Odic vibrations. All tones, colours, Odours, tastes and tactile sensations are produced by specific Odic vibrations. In the spiritual world these are vibrations of the pure ethereal Od. In material creation, they are vibrations of Od in its more or less condensed form. “Everything that you see on earth, all growth, blossoming and ripening, all power currents and radiation, electricity, radio, ether waves, light, darkness, all the nuances of tone, colour, Odour, taste and touch, all power currents in the universe, the force of gravity exercised by the heavenly bodies and their motion in space – everything rests upon these Odic vibrations. A sage of ancient times observed: ‘Everything is in a state of flux.’ He should have said: ‘Everything is in a state of vibration.’ The great divine secret of numbers is based on the vibrations of the Odic force flowing through the entire universe and permeating its tiniest particle. You little humans will never fathom this secret. You seek the unity number in world events, but you will not find it. It is true that you have discovered many facts connected with this secret of numbers. You know the number of vibrations that produce the notes familiar to you, and you are trying to discover the number of Odic vibrations on which the colours are based, but what does all that represent in the vast ocean of truth inaccessible to you? You cannot break the seven seals of God’s Creation; you can only bow your heads in wonder and reverence before the Almighty’s wisdom and omnipotence. From what little I have told you about Odic vibrations, let us now draw a few conclusions that are important for our purposes. You will find that it stands to reason that harmony in Odic vibrations stands for beauty, health, happiness, peace and good fortune, whereas disharmony in these vibrations must be the cause of ugliness, sickness, suffering and unhappiness. Just as disharmonious tones and colours offend your esthetical sense and, as it were, actually cause you mental pain, so it is on the spiritual plane when a created spirit loses its harmony with its Creator. The disharmony is reflected in corresponding vibrations of the spiritual Od. It produces spiritual ugliness, sickness, discontent and unhappiness, in short, spiritual suffering, which grows in the same measure as the spirit’s disharmony with God increases. The extreme of disharmony, where the created spirit and its Maker are total opposites, thus also means the greatest measure of spiritual anguish and misery – it is what you call hell. And since the greatest disharmony in Odic vibrations also represents the greatest contrast to beauty and light, which presuppose the most perfect harmony, so hell must be a condition of the utmost ugliness of