Communicating with God’s World of Spirit – its laws and its purpose | Pastor Johannes Greber

- 92 - While all people possess odic power, in most cases it is too closely bound to the body to be surrendered readily. Hence it is not available to the spirit world in adequate strength. People suitable to function as mediums are highly ‘sensitive’. This means that because of the ease with which their od can be dissolved, the impressions made upon them are much deeper than in the case of other people. This is not a sickly state, as your scientists think, and has no relation to nervousness, hysteria or lack of will power; on the contrary! • Good spirits cannot use nervous, irresolute or sick persons as mediums. A good medium has more will power, stronger nerves and better physical health than other people. Mediums are divided into different types according to the purpose for which their odic power is employed by the spirit world.