Communicating with God’s World of Spirit – its laws and its purpose | Pastor Johannes Greber

- 83 - 2. 1. 2 Biblical References to the Use of Odic Force in Spirit Communication And the Lord came down in the cloud of od, and spoke to him. (Numbers 11: 25) (Psychic full trance transmission) Nature’s laws apply universally. They admit of no exception. If, therefore, the law of odic force that I have described to you is the basic law of all spirit communication, then it must apply wherever spirits communicate with man. “In order to show you that the odic power current was necessary also in the spirit communication with humans reported in the Bible, I want to go over some of the accounts in the Old and New Testaments with you, and explain them to you. Naturally, for most of the spirit manifestations of which the Bible speaks, mention is made only of the fact of such communication; nothing is said about the accompanying phenomena. Nevertheless, there are plenty of instances in which the employment of od is expressly mentioned. “The first mention occurs in the story of Abraham. Genesis 15:17: ‘When the sun had gone down, and it had turned completely dark, what passed between those pieces of meat was like a smoking furnace and a blazing torch.’ This happened while the Lord was speaking with Abraham. • The odic current, when only slightly condensed, looks like a cloud of smoke and has a reddishyellow gleam in the dark, like a flame of fire.3 The story of Moses is full of relevant examples. Exodus 3: 2: ‘And the angel of the Lord appeared to him as a flame of fire leaping up from a thorn bush: when he looked, he saw the thorn bush ablaze with fire, yet not being consumed by it.’ In this case also it was Od that the spirit employed in order to speak to Moses. It had to have been night when Moses saw this apparition, for in the daytime, the od would have looked, not like a flame, but like a cloudlet enfolding the thorn bush. This is confirmed by the following Biblical account: Exodus 13: 21-22: ‘The Lord went before them, in a column of cloud by day, to show them the way, and in a column of fire by night, to shine for them, so that they might travel both by day and by night. Neither the column of cloud by day nor the column of fire by night ever left its place in front of the people.’ The column of cloud was nothing else than the cloud of od, which, both in the case of the thorn bush and in guiding the Israelites, formed the odic shell that surrounded the angel of the Lord and that the angel needed to make itself perceptible to man. I have already explained to you that od is always associated with a spirit. There is no such thing as independent, free-floating od. Thus, it was in all manifestations witnessed by the people of Israel. “Hence, whenever mention is made in the Old Testament of the ‘column of cloud’, it is always in connection with some activity on the part of one of God’s spirits. 3 This statement is verified through the Od phenomenon during materialisations.