Communicating with God’s World of Spirit – its laws and its purpose | Pastor Johannes Greber

- 75 - • Of the future, however, he can read only what is foreordained, but not that which depends on the person’s free will. The manner of a person’s death can be foreseen by a clairvoyant only when this also is predestined, for it is not a part of every person’s destiny. As a matter of fact, what is foreordained in some cases is left for the individual to determine in others. It is only the hour of death that is predestined for everyone. In order for ‘clairvoyance’ in this area to be possible, the ‘clairvoyant’ must in some way establish contact with the Od of the person whose destiny is at issue. He must either have that person before him in the flesh so that the Odic emissions can reach him, or else he must touch some object that has been in that person’s possession and to which, consequently, some of his Odic radiation clings. The ability of a clairvoyant to read sealed letters or to recognize objects he cannot see with his corporeal eyes is also based on this Odic radiation. • The more powerful the Odic radiation emanating from the object, the more distinct the clairvoyant’s vision. If a clairvoyant’s spirit is able to detach itself completely from his body and actually to leave it, then it is in a position to follow the Odic trail of another person and to ascertain his whereabouts at the moment. Not all clairvoyance, however, comes about through Odic radiation. Many events that happen at a great distance from the clairvoyant are seen by him at the instant of their occurrence due to the fact that his spirit, having left the body, is present at the scene of the event, or else, even though the spirit remains with the body, because the news is imparted to him by the spirit world through ‘clairaudience’ or shown to him in a picture through ‘clairvoyance’. The future of individuals with whose Odic radiations the clairvoyant has not come into contact, as well as the future of countries, peoples, cities and other communities can be seen by a clairvoyant only when it is shown to him by the spirit world by means of pictures. Producing such pictures, which may depict the coming events either with faithful accuracy or by means of ‘symbols’, is not difficult for the spirits charged with that task. Od is the material employed by them for pictures of this kind. The future of nations and other coming events were generally revealed to the prophets of the Old Testament by means of symbolic pictures. Od also possesses colour. This, too, varies for each creature, ranging from the deepest black through trillions of shades to the most resplendent white. You mortals cannot conceive of the diversity of these colours. On some autumn day, study the yellow of the leaves. Among all the leaves that have turned yellow you will not find two that have exactly the same shade of yellow. A similar diversity is to be found in all the colours. I have repeatedly indicated to you where the reason for the great differences in the scent and colour of Od lies, namely in the spirits of living creatures. • The lower the thinking and desires of a spirit in relation to God, the uglier it is as a spirit. Spirits, too, have shape.