Communicating with God’s World of Spirit – its laws and its purpose | Pastor Johannes Greber

- 65 - • The conversion of the material nutrients into Od proceeds by way of the dissolving that takes place in your bodies during the process of digestion. The air you breathe comprises a material mixture of Od, from which your lungs extract only those parts of the Od that your bodies require, exhaling those they cannot use, in the process of breathing. The Od in the air is not used for the construction of the body as such, but rather more for the creation of various energy streams that come from the digestion of food, its dissolution in Od, the mixture of various Od types and finally its compression into physical matter. All dissolutions happen through hot and all compressions through cold streams of Od. This is why you can only exist without the Od in the air for a few moments. Because when it is lacking, all other Od effects stop of their own accord. Water also has an Odic composition of its own. The Od of water is needed most of all by the bodies of human beings, animals and plants, for these bodies are for the most part a condensation of the Od taken from water. Therefore, water-Od predominates in the foods derived from the plant and animal kingdoms, so that when you eat this food, you generally also receive the necessary quantity of waterOd. Because the Od of water plays so important a role in all bodies, they cannot go without it for any great length of time. Your professional fasters may be able to do without solid food for weeks on end, but if they were deprived of water, they would soon die. For the same reason animals and plants perish when denied the Od of water for a prolonged period. Now you also understand why the torture of thirst is the greatest torture that any living being can experience; it constitutes death in its most painful form. Now we still need the answer to the question: where does the Od found in air, water and food come from? It comes from the earth. • The earth. as a heavenly body, possesses an Odic mixture and an Odic radiation that contain every kind of Od required for the support of all living beings on it. The terrestrial Od consists of the Od peculiar to the earth as a heavenly body; in addition, the earth absorbs into its own Odic mixture the Odic radiation of all the heavenly bodies within range of the earth. Each of these heavenly bodies has a specific Od peculiar to itself, of a nature and composition not found in any other heavenly body. According to the position of those heavenly bodies with respect to the earth, their Odic radiation will have a greater or lesser effect upon it, and since the position of the heavenly bodies relative to each other changes every second, the Odic radiations sent to the earth by those bodies will vary accordingly. • The blending of the Od of your earth with that of the heavenly bodies around it is of the greatest importance to life and growth upon the earth. You must also remember that every kind of Od possesses powers peculiar to itself. • To the extent, then, that the bodily Od of an infant at the moment of its birth stands under the one-sidedly strong influence of the Od of one or more heavenly bodies, to that extent the infant’s own Odic composition will be affected.