Communicating with God’s World of Spirit – its laws and its purpose | Pastor Johannes Greber

- 63 - Scientists of today call the power current in man the ‘Odic force’. This ‘Odic’ or life force exists in and around all things created by God. Every human being, every animal, every plant, every stone, every mineral, all water, every heavenly body, every spirit and all other existing things possess Odic force. It is nothing material, but is spiritual and always associated with a spirit. • It is the life force of the spirit, which is therefore always its conveyor. Hence, wherever there is life, there is Od, and wherever there is Od, there is spirit. Since this Odic force exists in and around all things created by God and is always associated with spirit, it follows that there is a spirit in everything created. That sounds incredible to you, yet it is the truth. Any spirit associated with a material body possesses, first of all, the Odic force required for its own existence as a spirit, and next, sufficient additional Odic force to induce life, growth and activity in the earthly body. Similarly, to make use of an inadequate earthly parable, a locomotive requires a certain amount of steam power to put itself in motion, and a certain amount of additional steam to enable it to pull the cars that are coupled onto it. The car coupled onto your spirit is your body, for which your spirit requires special additional Odic power. However, the Od set aside for the body differs from that set aside for the spirit, since anything that is to act upon matter must be assimilated and adapted to it to some extent. Hence the Od of earthly bodies is less spiritual than that of the spirits inhabiting them. • The physical Od resembles your terrestrial power currents, which are neither purely material nor purely spiritual. Their true nature is unknown to you, although you experience their effect on a daily basis. For your terrestrial power currents, you employ material conductors, designed to carry a current of the strength best suited to your needs. You have machines and equipment of all kinds, and plants whose operation requires current of a certain strength. If the current is too powerful, it will destroy your equipment. If it is too feeble, the equipment will stop running. In like manner the Odic current of all physical beings is carried by a conductor throughout the body with all of its wonderful units, which you call organs, in the required strength. If the current exerts too powerful an effect on a given organ, it will create disorder. If it is too feeble, the functions of the organ will cease. • The blood is the conductor of the Odic force. If the conductor is destroyed by loss or decomposition of the blood, the Odic current also ceases, just as your power currents cease to flow when your conducting wires are damaged by outside agencies or by corrosion. Because blood is the conductor for the Od, and hence physical life is impossible without blood, the Bible calls blood ‘the seat of life’. Deuteronomy 12: 23 ‘Blood is the seat of life.’ • The physical Od is not created by the spirit of the respective body, but is derived from the food taken into that body.