Communicating with God’s World of Spirit – its laws and its purpose | Pastor Johannes Greber

- 62 - If you lift up a stone with your hand, the law of ‘gravitation’, as you call it, acting on the stone is not thereby set aside, but it is overcome by the greater force of your hand. If, however, a stone were lifted up by a hand invisible to you, you would consider that a ‘miracle’ because you would not see the force, and hence would think the stone was rising of its own volition. And yet in both cases a force must be present that causes the stone to be lifted. Whether you can see the force or not does not affect the process itself. In either case the force of gravitation acting on the stone is overcome by a stronger force. • Even God Himself, in consequence of the laws enacted by His Own omnipotence, cannot make a stone raise itself. He might indeed have made matter subject to different laws; but having made the laws governing all earthly events as they are, He too must, when a stone is to be lifted, implement a force that is greater than that of the gravitation acting upon the stone. The same thing is true in all fields. There is also nothing ‘miraculous’ going on when the spirit world communicates perceptibly with you mortals and speaks to you. Whenever I speak to you through this boy, I do so according to fixed laws, which I am bound to observe and which would have to be observed in the same way by any evil spirit wanting to speak through him. Consider your telephones! How many of nature’s laws must be complied with before a conversation can take place! You must have a current. Wires and other elements required for the transmission of speech must be installed. They must correspond to the laws of electricity and of acoustics. It makes no difference whether the telephone is used by a good citizen or by a criminal; both are subject to the same laws of telephone communication. In order that you may understand the things you will witness in the domain of spirit communication it is important that you learn the most important laws involved in communication between the spirit world and material creation. When you have grasped these, you will be able to understand most of what you will encounter in this field, things that so far seem so inexplicable to you mortals. Because of their different natures, spirit and matter cannot act upon each other directly. Not even your own spirit is capable by itself of activating a limb or organ of your body. Not even I, who have taken possession of the body of this boy, can make his body sit up or raise his hands or produce a sound with his organs of speech by my own efforts alone. In order to do these things, your own spirit and I as well require a power current. “In the same way, the operator of a machine requires a constant supply of power furnished by steam or electricity if his machine is to function. If that supply is lacking or is inadequate, the machine will stand still. • In our case the spirit is the machinist. The machine is the body or matter. If the matter is to be set in motion by the spirit, a power current is necessary. The learned men of old called this power current in human beings the ‘soul’, as distinguished from ‘spirit’ and ‘body’. Thus, they taught, quite correctly, that man is made up of spirit, soul and body. The Bible calls the power current or vital energy the ‘breath of life’. Genesis 2: 7 ‘... and God breathed into man’s nostrils the breath of life; thus, man became a living being.’