Communicating with God’s World of Spirit – its laws and its purpose | Pastor Johannes Greber

- 29 - This contact with spirits didn’t only take place in the Old Testament, but to an equally extended degree in the New Testament. All gospels, and particularly the Act of the Apostles contain a great number of reports of declarations by spirits. – Christ himself solidly promised everyone that had faith that he would send God’s spirits to them. • The processes that took place during the worship services of the early Christians, something you cannot explain these days, were nothing but a coming and going by the world of spirit. The world of spirit talked through one of the assembled in a foreign language, through another in the native tongue of those present, it gave a third person the power to heal the sick and it gave others other gifts, all according to the suitability of individuals to utilise these gifts and to act as instruments in the hands of the world of spirit. This was something common place in those days and it was taken for granted. • These interactions with spirits didn’t simply stop after the early Christian era, as the ‘Churches’ want to make you believe. It is meant to and should continue at all times. Because it is the only way you can acquire the truth. Whether people can or cannot make contact with God’s spirits depends entirely on individuals. There were times during the Old Covenant when interactions with the positive world of spirit almost completely ceased. This were the times of alienation from God. Large sections of the population have these days also abandoned God and fallen prey to evil in spite of the numerous places of worship that you are building. If today’s population would inwardly approach God the way things were during the times of the Old Covenant and the early Christians, all the seemingly wonderful things that were reported to you from those days would happen again. Because God is the same God, then and now. He loves his creatures just as much now as then and he doesn’t acknowledge a person’s personal standing. Enough of these general instructions for today. You will be more accurately informed about the details of the interactions between spirits and human beings during the course of time, if you are willing to be instructed and willing to accept the task that is intended for you. You are not being forced. You have your free will. You can accept what’s on offer and bear witness to the truth – or you can reject it and continue on your chosen path. If you are prepared to accept this task, you must also be prepared to make great terrestrial sacrifices. You will suffer persecution on behalf of what is right and true. But you will find peace. - If you do however reject God’s gift offered to you, you will bear the responsibility for your action. It is your decision. One way or another. • You should not blindly accept everything; you should test to see whether it is the truth or whether evil plays you for a fool. • You shouldn’t be satisfied with the things that you hear from me. You should gather experiences within this field of knowledge through your own experiences, independent of what you encounter here. This is why I want to finally ask you: Select a number of people from your county parish that are not yet familiar with such things. Conduct meetings once or twice a week at a convenient time to pray and to explain the scriptures, as it was custom with the early Christians. You then have to accurately observe everything that will take place on these occasions. This will give you the opportunity to compare your experiences there with what you see and hear here. Also arrange things so that you can be here with this circle every Sunday evening at 8 pm, so that I can continue with my indoctrinations.” “I am happy” I said, “to come here on Sundays as often as it is possible for me to do so. But I cannot make up my mind about selecting a number of people for such meetings from amongst the simple farmers up there in my parish. This would cause an enormous sensation in our small village whose consequences could not be foreseen. Besides, I would not have a clue about whom I could select.” “Once you have decided to do this, everything else would simply fall in place” he replied to my objections. “You don’t have to do this. Everything is subject to your own free will to decide. But I do suggest that you do this.” – “I will now bring this to a close.”