Communicating with God’s World of Spirit – its laws and its purpose | Pastor Johannes Greber

- 197 - worse.13 The strength that the evil spirit forces occasionally develop in order to hinder the efforts of the good spirits is illustrated by events recorded in the Bible. When the Archangel Gabriel had been sent to reveal the future to Daniel, the evil spirit that ruled over the idolatrous kingdom of Persia tried to prevent him from doing so and fought with him for 21 days, until the Archangel Michael came to Gabriel’s aid and delivered him from the attacks of the forces of evil. (Daniel 10: 13) • Mirabelli is a physical medium. At the Assis Pharmacy, Rua 15 de Novembro No. 9, in São Paulo, the panes of glass suddenly flew out of the showcases while the medium was present. A skull with movable parts came out of the laboratory, remained suspended in the air, opened and shut its jaw, threw various articles about, flew back and forth, and finally fell to the floor without breaking. At a gathering held on a national holiday and attended by the medium and many other persons, they, as well as [people who did not attend the gathering] but who lived nearby, heard the roll of drums and the blare of trumpets, playing a march. At the same time, glasses and bottles standing in the assembly hall were clinked without being touched by human hands, and gave out sounds that were perfectly harmonious, rendering a military march with wonderful musical skill. Mirabelli played billiards without touching his cue, which made the strokes of its own accord. A skull moved its jaw, and a hat that had been placed upon it was raised as though in salutation. All of these facts were confirmed by unimpeachable witnesses, the original document stressing the point that all references to doubtful phenomena were excluded from the start. At a well-attended séance in São Vicente the following happened in the presence of the guests of honour, Dr. Mario Alvin and Dr. Annibal de Meneses: Mirabelli was seated in a chair, closely scrutinized by all present. Suddenly the chair, with the medium, moved from its place, without being impelled in any way by the medium’s legs, as was definitely established. Mirabelli turned his eyes heavenward, spread his arms, and sat as though enraptured. After a few minutes of silent prayer, the chair again moved with a sudden start and rose several centimetres from the floor. All the while closest attention was concentrated upon the medium’s feet, arms and sides. The chair continued to rise with the medium, floated to and fro and finally reached an elevation of two meters above the floor. Those present immediately re-examined the séance room. The levitation lasted for a counted 120 seconds, the investigators following the chair as it floated unsupported in the air. It moved in one direction and finally descended slowly back to the floor, landing at a distance of 2.30 meters from its original position. All the while the medium was in trance and spoke with different spirit beings. Upon awakening, Mirabelli could recall nothing of what had happened. As has already been explained in the chapter on “Mediums”, physical phenomena are usually the work of low, although not necessarily evil, spirits. Generally speaking, good spirits do not lend themselves to experiments like those of Mirabelli’s physical phenomena described in the preceding section. They may occasionally participate in such performances if a Divinely willed purpose is involved, as, for instance, that of providing evidence of the existence of spirits from the Beyond to a person seeking God. 13 This fear has unfortunately been proven justified. Mirabelli has today completely lost his mediumistic powers. (Note to 2nd edition.)