Communicating with God’s World of Spirit – its laws and its purpose | Pastor Johannes Greber

- 190 - • I observed a considerable drop in temperature in the séance room. I, as well as several other observers, felt evident chills toward the end of the one, one-and-a-half or two-hour séances. The thermometers provided in the room showed a drop in temperature toward the end of the séances of from six to eight degrees Centigrade (10 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit). This is contrary to usual experience, since the temperature of a room, and especially of a tightly closed room, in which seven persons remain for a considerable time, generally rises, the more so as the room in question was only of moderate size. • As the phantoms made their appearance I saw something resembling luminous smoke or fog floating above the head of the medium like a small cloud. This cloud moved to one side and in a few seconds became a human head, or else it would spread out vertically and become a complete human figure, which immediately began to walk about. • The most astonishing and interesting part of these phenomena, so to speak their most important feature as far as I was concerned, was the absolutely human behaviour of the apparitions. They acted precisely like guests at a party. As they passed around the table they greeted the more familiar participants with a smile of recognition, whereas they studied any newcomers attentively. The inquisitive look in their eyes is hard to describe. I could see from their efforts to understand our expressions, our smiles, our questions and answers, as well as from their actions, that they were particularly anxious to convince us of the fact that they were real beings and not illusions or hallucinations. • These apparitions are also not always life size. Toward the end of a séance, when the medium has become rather exhausted, or if he felt indisposed already before the séance began, the phantoms do not appear full size, but are smaller by a third or a half. When I saw a phantom of this kind for the first time, I thought it was a child; on closer examination, I could tell by the wrinkled face that it was an old man or woman, though below normal size. “When such a shrinkage occurred, the leader of the circle would often say: ‘Let us help the medium.’ He would then beat time, while all the participants breathed deeply and evenly. The effect was remarkable, for the shrunken phantom figure would instantly begin to grow and in a few seconds regain its full size. • The phantoms that appear at séances with Kluski belong to different nationalities and generally speak their native language. Nevertheless, they readily understand remarks addressed to them in any language. They seem to have the gift of reading the souls of others, for it is not necessary to utter a wish or a particular question. Merely thinking it is sufficient for it to be carried out. One need only to think that a phantom should do this or that, and it will be done or refused. In fact, phantoms occasionally refuse to do certain things, or they explain that they cannot do them, or cannot do them at this time, or they may promise to fulfill or try to fulfill the request on some future occasion. • Not all apparitions are able to speak. Many prefer to make themselves understood by rapping, a very tedious and time-consuming process, since one always has to begin counting at the beginning of the alphabet. “The voices are perfectly distinct and of normal strength, sounding like a loud whisper. “The animated expression on the phantom faces while they are speaking is very convincing. In one instance I could plainly see the look of expectation in the face of the apparition of a Turk who bowed before me, saying: ‘Chokyash Lehistan.’ Seeing that I did not understand him, he repeated the words with a friendly smile. I still did not know what he was trying to say, but out of a feeling of admiration for his chivalrous nation I replied: ‘Vive la Turquie!’ (Long live Turkey!) His pleasure at my remark was evident. He smiled with radiant eyes, folded his arms, bowed and disappeared. I wrote his words down phonetically on my notepad and on the following day had them translated by someone who knew the language, who told me that they meant: ‘Long live Poland!’ Explanation of the facts. Prof. Pawlowski’s personal experiences with the medium Kluski confirm in every respect what I had been told of the laws of spirit communication, and especially what is set down in the section of this book relating to odic force. In all that takes place at the Kluski séances, the medium does not participate in any way as a thinking