Communicating with God’s World of Spirit – its laws and its purpose | Pastor Johannes Greber

- 139 - 2. 7 Questioning the “dead” according to the Bible (Transmission from the SPHERES of LIGHT) Should not a people inquire of its God? Why consult ‘the dead’ on behalf of the living? (Isaiah 8: 19) When you speak or write of ‘the dead’ today, you are referring to those who have died here on earth and whose bodies are at rest in the cemetery. You have no other meaning for the expression ‘the dead’. You therefore understand ‘death’ to mean only the severance of the spirit from its earthly body. The Holy Scriptures frequently refer to ‘death’ and to ‘the dead’, but only in a few instances does ‘death’ mean an earthly dying. • ‘The dead’ of whom the Bible speaks are not those whose days on earth are over. When the Bible speaks of ‘death’ it does not mean the separation of the spirit from the body, but the separation of the spirit from God. • To be united with God and to belong to Him is ‘life’. • To be severed from God is ‘death’. This teaching recurs throughout all the Scriptures of the Old and the New Testament. • The ‘dead’ are therefore those who are severed from God, the ‘spiritually dead’, whether they be spirits in the Beyond or passing through life on earth as people who have forsaken God. The very first time the word ‘death’ appears in the Bible it designates a separation from God, for when God forbade the first people in paradise to eat of a certain fruit, He added the warning: Genesis 2: 17: ‘For on the day you eat from that tree you shall be doomed to die.’ It was not the death of the body that was meant by these words, but separation from God, for, as you know, the first people suffered not bodily, but spiritual death when they had violated His command. By their disobedience, they went over to the side of Evil, and thereby severed themselves from God. When Moses, as his life on earth drew to an end, bade farewell to the people, he gave them this admonition: Deuteronomy 30: 19-20:‘I have put “life” and “death” before you, the blessing and the curse: Choose “life”, then, by loving the Lord, your God, obeying his commands and holding fast to him.’ It was neither bodily life nor bodily death that he had set before the people, but spiritual life, which endures as long as people hold fast to God, and spiritual death, which ensues immediately whenever people forsake God and sever themselves from Him.