Communicating with God’s World of Spirit – its laws and its purpose | Pastor Johannes Greber

- 113 - • Whenever, therefore, at spiritistic gatherings, there is a lack of harmony in feelings and beliefs, there can be no homogeneous odic current, and the successful outcome is questionable, or even impossible. This explains why scientific committees that experiment with mediums often meet with little or no success. The mediums, who, as we know, are the sources of power for the manifestations of the spirit beings, feel frightened and intimidated, surrounded by an atmosphere of distrust. They realize all the while that their investigators consider them capable of committing fraud and that they have no faith in the thing itself. Feelings of this kind are bound to reduce the mediums’ release of energy, if not prevent it altogether. “That is a law of nature, and it is the same law of nature that makes the blood drain from the cheeks of a person seized with fear, making him turn pale. What happens is that the person’s od is concentrated inward, drawing the blood to his heart. The blood follows the force of the od according to a natural law, because it is the conductor of the od in the body. How unjustly your scientists so often judge a medium’s failure to meet their tests! They would do better to consider the obstacles often placed in the way of the mediums – the sources of power for the spirit world – by the scientists themselves. They should remove these obstacles; then they would obtain a satisfactory demonstration of the ability of spirits to make themselves manifest. It is true that the good spirit world very rarely engages in communications that do not deal exclusively with the purposes of good, but serve merely to satisfy scientific inquiry, if not, indeed, sheer curiosity. That is the province in which the low spirit world is eagerly active and where it, unfortunately, only too often causes a great deal of harm. • Those who attend good spiritistic gatherings should repeatedly be reminded to banish all doubt and distrust from their hearts and to await what may happen with the utmost patience and composure. • Whenever a participant in a séance feels an inner impulse to write down a thought with which he is inspired, he should do so. In time he will learn to distinguish between his own thoughts and those that are inspired. For the thoughts instilled by the spirit world will force themselves upon you insistently as you try to dismiss your own, and they will keep on recurring if you disregard them. • Should anyone present feel a numbness in his head or a striking heaviness in his limbs, should his head be turned from side to side or his body perform motions inexplicable to him, that is a sign that the spirit world is working on him. Most greatly impaired are the bodies of people who become ‘deep-trance mediums’. The back and forth movement, the up and down contortions of the body are connected with releasing the spirit of the developing medium from his body and from his corporeal od. The physical symptoms attending the releasing of a spirit are often frightening to those who witness them, for they resemble a death struggle, although without any pain to the medium. There is, however, no cause for alarm. Everything happens according to established LAWS.