Communicating with God’s World of Spirit – its laws and its purpose | Pastor Johannes Greber

- 102 - 2. 2. 8 The gift of clairvoyance and clairaudience Your scholars include among the mediums those individuals who have the gifts of ‘clairvoyance’ and ‘clairaudience’. This is not correct. It is true that clairvoyants, clairaudients and clairsentients have mediumistic powers, but they are not true mediums. With them, it is their own spirit that is active, that sees and hears, whereas in real ‘mediums’ it is a foreign spirit that acts while the medium’s spirit is temporarily dispossessed. Although the gifts of ‘clairvoyance’ and ‘clairaudience’ do indeed enable the spirit of a human being to see and hear the spirits about him, a clairvoyant is not an instrument of these spirits and is therefore not a ‘medium’. The spirit of a person endowed with clairvoyance, clairaudience and with supernatural powers of smelling, tasting and feeling owes these abilities exclusively to the fact that it can detach itself from the body to a greater or lesser degree. A spirit so detached and partly withdrawn from the body becomes independent of the body’s physical senses and assumes the faculties and properties of a discarnate spirit, seeing, hearing and feeling in the manner of spirits of the Beyond, according to the extent to which it is detached from its body and according to the purity of the od surrounding the spirit. • This purity of od is of particular importance to ‘clairvoyants’, for one cannot see clearly through impure glass. By the same token, the spiritual powers of spirits of the Beyond vary greatly according to the composition of their odic body. Some of these spirits can see, hear and feel things that other spirits are unable to detect. The same is true of human beings gifted with clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience. Also, they possess these faculties in countless degrees of keenness, from the most rudimentary to the highest. • Some merely sense the proximity of the spirits about them and vaguely feel their impression on them, but they do not see and hear the spirits. • Others are able to see the spirits, but not to hear them. • Still others see them plainly, hear their words and can tell the different spirits apart by their nature. The many mistakes made by your clairvoyants in their statements are due to the fact that with most of them the faculty is present in a very imperfect state. “You will find many references to clairvoyance in both the Old and the New Testament. Of the patriarch Jacob we are told: Genesis 32: 2-3: ‘As Jacob went his way, he encountered “angels of God”. On seeing them, Jacob said: “This is God’s camp.”’ During the reign of King David, when the angel of the Lord smote the people of Israel with the pestilence as a punishment, David actually saw the angel. 2 Samuel 24: 16-17: ‘The angel of the Lord had, however, just arrived at the threshing floor of the Jebusite Arawna. When David saw the angel that had caused the dying among