Communicating with God’s World of Spirit – its laws and its purpose | Pastor Johannes Greber

- 101 - 2. 2. 7 Physical mediums There is yet another type of medium; these mediums are not good for mankind, as they are used chiefly by evil spirits. They are the so-called ‘physical mediums’. • The spirits use the odic power of such mediums to move objects that are near the medium. Tables, chairs, utensils of all kinds rise and float from one spot to another; instruments begin to play; a trumpet rises into the air and blares; a nearby drum sounds beats; bells fly across the room and ring, and countless similar things happen. It goes without saying that good spirits do not behave in this way. For it is not the task of the good spirit world to produce phenomena intended only to satisfy man’s obsession with extraordinary experiences. Mind you, this is true of some manifestations that occur with other mediums also, but it is not the case as often with them as with the ‘physical mediums’. You ask to what purpose the low spirits hold such a ‘carnival’ at modern ‘spiritistic séances’, or why indeed they are allowed to do so. To this I can only reply that low spirits have the same free will as low and wicked people. Just as the latter are left free to act as they please, so no restrictions are placed upon the liberties of the former, at least not up to a certain point. True enough, they do not have complete freedom, for if they did, they would do mankind even more harm than they do now. • For man’s goal is to reach God, and, considering this goal, God has set bounds to the activities of evildoers. But even the ‘carnival’ of evil, as you have called it, that goes on at today’s spiritistic meetings frequently has a good effect in spite of everything. For today, when there are so many people who do not believe in God, the Beyond, the spirit world and survival after death, it does some good that they should witness such things, if only because it makes them think about these matters, to become insecure in their disbelief and to begin to search for the truth. This statement applies to everything that happens at the spiritistic meetings of today, from levitation and table rapping to the physical phenomena and spirit materialization. Even if for most people their interest in these things springs only from a craving for experiencing something sensational, it often happens that they do retain the impression that supernatural forces must exist. Even if this result leaves much to be desired, it is at least better than if those individuals had never been reminded about the Beyond. • What mankind does need, and needs badly, is a thorough explanation of the nature of spirit communication and of the manner in which communication can be established with the good spirit world. This is to be your life work. You are receiving all of these teachings for this reason. They are not meant for you alone, but for your fellow human beings as well. They are your brothers and sisters, and it is your duty to teach them these facts. When people have been taught how to seek communication with the good spirit world, every spiritistic gathering will become an inspiring Divine service.