Introduction | Communicating with God’s World of Spirit – its laws and its purpose

I also fared similar in regards to the truths contained in this book. My religion had taught me that God and a world of spirit exists. I was therefore fully convinced about this. But that a connection with the world of spirit could be established with our human senses trespassed against the doctrine of my Church. This is why I thought that this assumption was nonsense. When I was forced one day to test things that were supposed to be proclamations from spirits, I was intimately convinced that it would be easy for me to expose the whole deal as a fraud. I was certainly aware that a test to ascertain the truth could only be above-board if it was carried out according to the same scientific principles that we must apply in all fields of knowledge. They are the laws of cause and effect. They are universally valid and there are no exceptions. • A specific effect without a corresponding cause is unthinkable in any field of knowledge. Where thoughts that are clearly and articulately expressed - there must be a bearer of thoughts - a conscious ‘ego’. If thoughts are now expressed by some person or other that are unknown and were never known to that person, if said person speaks and writes in a foreign language whose sounds that person never heard before up to then, the own ‘ego’ of such a person cannot be the cause of such an effect. This applies even more if this talking and writing takes place in a fully unconscious state. • The fact that a completely unconscious person can actually give a clearly defined lecture about the most difficult subjects for hours, answer and elucidate questions and interposed questions in great detail, goes against all common sense. It is even less likely that an unconscious person can speak or write a language that person never heard or learned. One cannot assume here that the unconscious person’s own ‘ego’ is the bearer of such proclamations. It must be another, conscious BEING in such cases, one that utilises the body of the unconscious person in order to speak and to write. Even using the principles of exact science, we must still come to that conclusion.”