regards to eminent entities (1, P. 33): “You have two types of mediums there (in Kell) that are presently being instructed and the world of spirit is also working on them. One is a so-called ‘inspiration medium’. Specific thoughts are introduced to this medium with such force by the spirit that his own thoughts are supplanted and he is completely under the control of that spirit. He doesn’t just receive thoughts, he is actually forced to either express them or to write them down. This medium remains fully conscious whilst this takes place. – Your inspiration medium must be further apprenticed so that his capacity to absorb inspirations from the world of spirt is perfected. A lot of things within him that represent restraints must be removed from him. You presently do not understand what this could be. It will however become clear to you later. The other medium has not yet started his activities and is still in his first stage of training. He is the youngster that could not keep his head still during the last meeting and got frightened by this. He will be a ‘speaking medium’. His own spirit will be supplanted and an alien spirit will take possession and speak through him. One calls this state ‘trance’. He has a number of graduations and this depends on whether the spirit of the medium is only partially or completely separated from his body.” Greber used his own words to report about what developed next (3, P. 6): “The youngster (Carl Gasper) never intended to write, because he didn’t have the required schooling or the inherent talent for it. Completely unexpected he felt compelled to get up early in the morning to write. He was unaware of what he wrote a priory. The words and sentences suddenly sprang to mind and he was compelled to write them down. Whatever he wrote was not his own knowledge. He also never heard or read what he had written a priory. It was like brainwaves – inspiration.” Amongst other things, 17 treatises in prose or verse were forthcoming in the meantime, treatises with themes like “God’s shepherd and his flock” or “The spiritualisation of the soul” or “What did your saviour do for you”. Everything happened in exact German handwriting, the way German student mastered and practised it in those days. This was published in 1975 in a book called “Von Gottes Boten inspiriert”. (3) The following weeks saw Greber learn the various forms of communications with the hereafter and he got to know the most diverse spirit beings. He reports about it (1, P. 38): “The appearance of different kind of spirits and what happened at the same time had a deeper meaning attached to it. We receive valuable instructions, but sometimes also serious rebukes and censure from eminent spirits, so that tears from one or another participant flowed quite often. The most secret thoughts of the participants were more than once revealed, but always in a manner that the others didn’t have to feel abashed. It is actually a peculiarity of the positive world of spirits to formulate their rebukes and censures in a way that doesn’t hurt anybody’s feelings, but rather formulate a point in regards to some misconduct in conjunction with words of consolations, encouragement and love. They never break a bent pipe or extinguish a smouldering wick. They attend to the wounds of their protégés with tender hands. They do not tend to repeat admonitions and advice for one and the same issue too often. If the things they say is not abided by, they might draw one’s attention to it once or twice more, but no more or only in the rarest of cases. But if somebody makes an effort to abide by the given advice or admonition they will continue to refer to it and help through indoctrinations and affectionate encouragement until the aim has been achieved. Their love and mercy knows no boundaries if someone is really willing, particularly when somebody stumbles due to human weakness. If someone does however not make the slightest attempt to carry out the things God’s messenger told him and then asks for advice on a different matter, the following answer is usually given: “Why do you ask me? You never do what I ask you to do anyway.”