Dangers and impairments are therefore only present when one doesn’t practise this in order to get to know the divine TRUTH and to internally improve oneself, but where one simply satisfies one’s curiosity, one’s cravings for extraordinary experiences, when trying to gain information in regards to one’s materialistic advancement or gain purely scientific insights. • Therefore warn your fellow men in a most serious manner about participating in the communication with spirits that does not serve a higher purpose. • Inform them about the positive, god-supported SPIRITUALISM. Because every human being should practise it. It represents the only path to the TRUTH and the shortest path to GOD. Those that have not yet completed their struggle to achieve faith in God should also participate in the positive spiritualism in as far as they have the genuine will to accept the TRUTH the moment it is offered to them in a convincing way. Seekers of the truth with such an attitude will find the TRUTH and the freedom GOD’S children enjoy in this way. They will recognise what true RELIGION really exist of. CHRIST’S words: ‘Seek and you will find’ applies to them!’ Those that do not yet believe on GOD should still pray to GOD, even if conditionally. They may adapt their prayer to their current situation. The following prayer can be spoken by every non-believer if they are of good will and prepared to accept the TRUTH: ‘Oh GOD, if it is true that YOU exist I beg YOU with all my heart: Teach me to recognise YOU! Show me the TRUTH and guide me along the right path! – Amen.’ They will surely be heard, because GOD shows mercy to all that are of good will. • The kind of religious congregation one belongs to is irrelevant in regards to the participation at good spiritualistic meetings. It has to be mentioned in regards to these expositions that even with the best of will, the purest motives and adherence to the advice and rules given here, base spirit beings can still intercalate in the communications with the hereafter in spite of this. They often pretend to be pious and adorn themselves with the names of Angels and Saints or pretend to be ‘God” or “Jesus Christ”. The difficulties now consists in finding out who these entities really are. The only thing that helps here is to ask them to swear that “they belong to God’s positive world of spirit and that Jesus Christ is their Lord as well as Lord over Lucifer the devil”. This last semi-sentence is as a rule not repeated word for word by these base spirits. One does however have to insist and in case of refusal, reject the spirit entity. • The careless pursuit of communicating with the hereafter, without the constant prayer for divine PROTECTION, can quickly double back and turn into possession or levels of influence by the deceased (German: Umsessenheit). The so afflicted then hear uninterrupted voices that abuse them, compel them to perform senseless acts or stop them from sleeping. Such people can become psychiatric patients for the rest of their life. A prayer asking for divine protection when undertaking contact with the hereafter can for instance be worded like this: We ask you, YOU ALMIGHTY GOD, to send us good spi ri ts to st and by us and to remove those that do not serve you and that could l ead us ast ray. Lend us the necessary LIGHT so we can di fferent i at e between the TRUTH and decept ion. Also remove spi ri ts wi th evi l int ent ions that could cause disuni ty amongst us by