Writing exercises will gradually strengthen it. Once the first impacts of the spirit beings show themselves in one way or another, the great restraint that springs from the expectations of those present will become especially apparent. They usually look inquisitively and with great attention at the things the other participants produce. • Exciting expectations do however restrain the Od-energy within every human being, the way somebody listening attentively will sometimes hold their breath. This reduces the Od-stream and the work of the spirit beings is made more difficult. Even the best machinist is helpless when it comes to using their machines, if its electricity supply is turned off or considerably reduced. • The same unfavourable effect, the way mental excitement effects the Od-stream, is caused by feelings of fear, horror, mistrust, doubts and all other inner contrariety. Those that participate at these gatherings with such feelings and sentiments do not just fail to produce Od-energy, they also interfere and interrupt the Od-stream of others. This is why mediums instantly feel when there is someone amongst the participants that, like a foreign body, turns the energy off. And they have the right to demand the removal of such a participant until he or she makes some inner adjustments. • The moment the harmonious accord of feelings and attitudes is missing at these spiritualistic gatherings, a unified Od-stream cannot be established and any success is either completely or partially questionable. The participants at good spiritualistic gatherings must be constantly reminded to ban all doubts and mistrust from their heart and calmly and patiently wait for what might eventuate. If session participants feel internally coerced to write down a thought that they received, they should do so. They will gradually learn to distinguish between inspired thoughts and their own thoughts. Thoughts received from the world of spirit push to the front over again with clarity, particularly when you try to eliminate your own thoughts, and they will persistently return if you reject them. • It is a sign that the world of spirit works on somebody, when one of those present feels a certain numbness in the head or a conspicuous heaviness in their limbs, when their head is turned this way and that way or when their body is seized by inexplicable movements. The body of those that become trance-medium is taxed the most. The back and forth movement, the erratic movement of the body coheres with the separation of the spirit of the developing medium’s body and its physical Od-energy. The physical side-effects when the spirit disengages from the body often frighten onlookers. It is indeed a kind of death throes, even if the medium suffers no pain. A reason for apprehension does however not exist. Everything runs according to specific LAWS. If the meetings are conducted the way I have now instructed you, they will bring you great blessings, a lot of joy and genuine peace of the heart. • Each meeting is closed with a short prayer of thanks, one the leader of the circle speaks and – if possible – with a song. The schooling of a medium and other associations with the world of spirit is however not restricted to such ‘communal gatherings’. Individual can by themselves sit in inner contemplation, either daily or numerous times during the week, for maybe half an hour or even less. Individuals will have to use the same techniques as I described for communal gatherings. They begin with a short prayer, read from the Holy Scriptures and contemplate what they have just read. As described before, they then place their hand with a pencil over the sheet paper in front of them and wait expectantly without the slightest mental stress. If they are coerced into writing down thoughts, thoughts that are almost certainly inspired, they should write them down. If their hand is actuated by an alien force, they should yield to it. When the allocated time for this private church service has come to an end, they should close with a prayer.