The Star of Bethlehem

world very well. They were very much alike in this respect. The law “like to like” also seemed to have had a hand in bringing them together. The guest had calmed down in the meantime and had returned to the chair near the fireplace. B : I read somewhere that one is still splitting hairs over the Revelations by John. Do these revelations still have meaning these days in the way there are presented? The host reached for one of the folders on the table and opened it. He leafed through it for a while before he looked up and said: G : Well now, many plans were “torn up” and many new plans took the place of the old ones. The REALM of the SPIRIT recommends the greatest caution with all the old prophecies. They hardly apply anymore because a lot of things have changed during the last couple of millennia. Some of the prophets also told tales that belong in the realm of dreams, but these tales still ended up in the Bible. The REALM of SPIRIT had the following to say, I quote the MESSENGER of LIGHT AREDOS, who conveyed the following to the Medialen Friedenskreis Berlin via a psychic 15 years old girl: ‘Well now, the Bible enjoys a high reputation amongst the faithful. Church official do not dare to doubts its content, because this would be a blasphemy against God. We, who are able to view everything from a higher vantage point hold a completely different opinion. On the contrary – the Bible is indeed in dire need of change because one has to bear in mind that it has been recorded by witnesses and through hearsay. And besides, there are more than 800 translations and transcriptions to consider. However, one single word suffices to falsify the truth. This is why it is impossible for simple average citizens to faithfully inform themselves through the Bible. One has to exercise great caution even when dealing with sayings that Christ was supposed to have uttered. Here is an example: When Christ was crucified in company of two violent criminals, he found that one of the criminals cursed his situation whilst the other already repented his deeds by saying: “We receive according to what our deeds are worth; but this one here (meaning Jesus) has not done an injustice to anyone.” Christ was supposed to have answered him: “Truly I say onto you, you will be in paradise at my side today.” This is how simple it is – according to the Bible – if one wants to go to paradise. One repents and one is redeemed. One goes to Church to confess and one receives a ticket to paradise. – No and a thousand times no! This is a dangerous falsification of the reality! Christ, who was an enlightened one, could never have said such a thing. He could at best have talked about the “hereafter” and about one’s “survival after death”, but never about paradise, because paradise is the highest sphere within God’s Realm. The path that leads there is far, far more difficult than a little remorse! This path leads through many reincarnations – people must first of all deserve it, they must work on themselves, work hard in order to reach the spiritual level that makes them worthy of being near God. Real thinkers have therefore distanced themselves from the Bible, not only that, but unfortunately also from Churches. I cannot even blame them for this, because those that recognise lies are afraid that they will not find the truth. One can also not allow one’s enemies to slap one’s face and then turn the other cheek. This also represents a distortion, because those that are beaten should distance themselves as far away as possible and not offer themselves as a target. End of citation. B : My goodness, if normal-thinking people try to make an attempt to understand the Bible lock, stock and barrel, they find out pretty fast that quite a lot doesn’t fit together. G : This is because the Church, in its cowardice, is not prepared to admit and to eradicate its mistakes. B : What would happen if the Church did actually accept the doctrine of reincarnation? Would this not make the whole edifice of their doctrine come crashing down? G : If the Church would accept the doctrine of reincarnation, some of its present power structures would come crashing down. But it could also open up to an original Christian truth that it has criminally denied thus far. The Church would not go under, it would be renewed instead and once again gain respect and new affections – particularly if it had the courage to admit its mistakes and aberrations. A fundamental reorientation according to