The all-important Why

137 Ian Stevenson “European Cases of Reincarnation Type.” Ian Stevenson (1918 - 2007) was a Canadian psychiatrist and he is regarded as a co-founder of reincarnation research. In his comprehensive book he documents cases wherein the reincarnation of some people can be clearly verified. And he wrote about cases where the idea of reincarnation was at least a possibility. His examinations were often lengthy, always very thorough and always endeavoured to find the truth. This book is very interesting, but due to its size, can also be tedious. Wayne W. Dyer “Memories of Heaven” Wayne Dyer (1940 - 2015) was a psychologist and a successful American selfhelp author and speaker. He was the father of eight children. He was fascinated by children, particular when they were still small. When they were young, he listened to them with devotion. He had listened to them carefully and came to the conclusion that they knew more than we adults: They still know thing from before they were born. When they were still “in Heaven”. He also discovered that some little children could suddenly talk about it, as if the veil of oblivion lifted for a moment and they were able to see where they come from clearly. The parents couldn’t always do anything with this, because they could not imagine a life before they were born. But Wayne Dyer could clearly see from the statements made by the children that there must be more than just this one short life. He must have mentioned this during his lectures, because he received thousands of letters from all over the world dealing with this theme. Parents wrote to him about their observations and experiences with their children and this book eventually developed from these letters. It is easy to read. I find it is a good book and it can certainly make a contribution towards making the idea of reincarnation more objective for us.