The all-important Why

134 happens after” all his life. He summarised and underpinned the results of his research in this bulky volume with a myriad of citations, documents and a bibliography. We are dealing with a scientific work and it is at times not quite that easy to read. In the first part of his book “Die andere Wirklichkeit” he writes extensively about philosophical, psychological, theological and historical questions in regards to dying and what we can expect after. He calls the second part “Ausblick ins Jenseits” and he very clearly writes - something that is probably the more important part for most of us - just how far “research into the hereafter” has progressed, ergo what one can say these days about dying and about life in the hereafter. I really like to listen to this old man, the way he speaks about his insights: Calmly, deliberately but forcefully. I get the impression that he wants to utilise the time he has left to perform an important service for his fellow men. This is why he published a series of books in spite of his advanced years and there is something about them. You can see and hear him on the internet under: Beat Imhof YouTube. Francisco Candido Xavier “Nosso Lar. Life in the Spirit World” A description of our future life by the spirit entity André Luiz. This book came into being the same way “Message from a Teen in the Spirit World” did. It has come about psychically through the Brazilian writing medium Xavier. It was published in Brazil in 1944 and in its German translation in 2008. The author here is the former Brazilian doctor André Luiz. Via the medium Xavier, he writes from the hereafter about what happened to him after his demise. He confesses that he had been very careless about his health during his time on Earth and that he had also led a loveless, godless and egotistical life. When he died during an operation, he found himself in a dark, boggy, terrifying environment amongst people and monsters that were even worse than himself and they caused him fear and horror. This is when he remembered the lovely family that he had left behind and how thoughtless and superficial he had lived.