The all-important Why

127 And this is how we should turn out said Jesus. * But what do I say to my friend? I might ask her: “What do you feel when you think about God?” And she might say what she said before: “To be honest, I am at a loss. I have never done anything evil in all my life. How can he ask me to live such a life with so many misfortunes, worries and humiliations? I can certainly understand what she means seeing her battle with such a difficult life. But there is something else: You noticed that she does indeed believe in reincarnation, but she has not yet correctly understood the concept of this theme. She apparently thinks that her present suffering and the suffering of the last few years comes directly from God, but this is naturally not the case. The saying “God has given him or her a heavy cross to bear” is a widespread belief. So that she can understand a little more, I would explain the law of sowing and harvesting to my friend and that her present life must not necessarily be the result of the way she behaved in her present life, in this incarnation. I would remind her that she has already lived a number of lives and that she decided to fulfill certain tasks and maybe atone for something, before she entered this life. But who thinks about something like this? I would also try to comfort her by saying that God loves her and his angel accompany her in spite of her difficult life. I would say that she could see this by the way things have at times unexpectedly resolved themselves during her life, something that would in turn represent some help and alleviation for her. She will probably admit this and calm down a little. I will then probably introduce her to a completely different thought. I will say: “Look at this from a different point of view, from God’s point of view! How does a father feel when his children separate from him and run away from him in droves? (I am thinking of the original Fall from Grace and the prodigal son.) He endowed all of them with the wonderful free will.