The all-important Why

126 forces that emanate from us and from our fellow human beings like a haze. Does this haze have beautiful, friendly colours or is it grey or even black? Everything depends on our thoughts. With our well-intended and philanthropic thoughts and feelings we release positive energies into the world. We thereby provide a service to our whole environment and even our planet Earth. * And now to the other question of my friend: “How can I get closer to God?” This question can only be asked by someone who believes in God, which ever way, and who would like to go to “Heaven”. Back to this land where they once were as a soul, something they carry a subconscious memory of and where they would like to return. It is said that every soul has this memory within itself and with it, this certain yearning for the eternal homeland. There are those that say that we are in any case never separated from God, whether we believe in him or not. That we would not be viable without the power that flows from him that penetrates through and encompasses everything. I also see it that way. “Perfection?” Is there actually a reason for us to strive for perfection? We are indeed a long way from it! Words from Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount spring to mind: “You should therefore be perfect the way your Father in heaven is perfect.” (Matthew 5: 43-48) This conjures up the following thoughts in me: When a child has a father who is really admirably good and charitable and when it loves him above everything else, the child will say to itself: I want to be just like him one day! It will then constantly observe and take notice of how its father behaves. And our Father in heaven Jesus talked about is, above everything else, a caring Father. (He is not the God of revenge and punishment the way the Old Testament describes him over again!) He does not distinguish between good and evil people. He loves them all. He allows the sun to rise over all of them and the rain to fall on them all. This means that he gives his love and bestows his blessings and the will to thrive on everyone. This is a part of his perfection. He completely disregards badness. He loves.