The Blue Notebooks - Volume 8: Messages from our Older Brothers

be developed to amazing heights on the vital plane that is just as important as the SPIRITUAL PLANES. Human beings live in two worlds, but they must become consciously aware that it is truly so . Those that believe that they no longer exist after their death make a mistake, because human beings live , ergo exist eternally within the rest of creation. They are a revelation that belongs with creation and nothing can extinguish it. The body does indeed decay into its components and changes its texture, but nothing is lost, it only transforms and the soul that lived in the body remains intact , today and into all eternity, subjected to eternal transformation, but is remains . It remains with a more or less clear consciousness and this consciousness is the same in a NON-PHYSICAL WORLD as it was on Earth. All the revelations and insights about human beings, about their environment and milieu, about the CREATIVE FORCES and CREATIVE POWERS on Earth in this life and the experiences of past lives that were added , belong to you and go with you . But the material possession and all terrestrial accolades received on Earth remain on Earth and fall by the wayside. What remains is you – that, what you are and constitute . 16 th of June 1966 Day to day: Be creative! All human beings carry the same developmental opportunities within themselves – all of them – you also. Utilise this divine gift of creative capabilities, it is a source of joy and the genuine, far reaching feeling: I am alive! – Do not allow anyone to take the greatest joy of live, the unfoldment of your creative energy, away from you. You should be glad that you are allowed to have your own ideas and points of view. If you are tolerant and if you accept and allow the ideas of others to stand because they stem from the same SOURCE as yours, you, with your independent views, will find joy everywhere. A certain direction is indicated by all ideas of certain epochs and they proclaim new life-opportunities. Look inside yourself and bring all the RICHES you find there to the surface. Be creative and you will be happy and free! * * * When you step on an anthill you know that you interfered with something. But you are hardly aware of what you have done to the ant colony that, like you, has settled here on Earth in order to live and to reveal itself. The ants sense that an event took place in their existence that is not a part of their life-revelation, but they cannot recognise a human being or its utterances. The situation is similar to when people end up in REGIONS of REVELATION they did not know that they existed, but that do indeed live sometimes or always with them on Earth. A lot of things that are still inexplicable to human beings would find a completely normal solution if human beings could use their SOUL’S ORGANS and recognise what LIFE-REVELATIONS adhere to them from on, in and around their home planet and how the LIFE-EXPRESSIONS of these dissimilar revelations show themselves. The time has come to recognise these coherences and to learn to correctly behave within these realities, because it isn’t just man alone that inhabits the cosmos. Do not allow such words to frighten you, they should help you to recognise the GREAT WHOLE, to see, to understand and love GOD’S THOUGHTS. * * *