The Blue Notebooks - Volume 1: Messages from our Older Brothers

2 The persistent, great interest shows that the messages from the OLDER BROTHERS are timelessly valuable . To show my depth of gratitude I decided to have a third edition published for all my interested readers. Anny Baguhn Hamburg, November 1984 Prehistory When the news reached Europe in September 1960 that two INTERPLANETARIANS had made contact with a New Zealander, one could not have foreseen the significant consequences this event would have. On the 4 th of July 1961 two interplanetary FRIENDS approached their contactee in New Zealand with the request to announce the following to UFO circles: All people of good will and those that trust the INTERPLANETARIANS are asked to concentrate on the SPACE BROTHERS every Sunday at 1 pm for a short period of time in order to possibly receive messages. The sensitive Herta Schachner from our “Hamburg UFO Research Group”, a longstanding member, received the first message on Sunday the 29 th of August 1961 . This was followed by constant indoctrinations and messages from our OLDER BROTHERS, presented in a loving fashion. They provided us with indoctrinations designed to expand our cosmic consciousness. What has been transmitted in the “Blue Notebooks” over the years eclipses the bulk of what’s known so far. These are doctrines of rare depths – words that do not just appeal to the mind, but also the HEART. Ever since their appearance from 1961 onwards, the “Blue Notebooks” have become legendary, a trade mark as it were. The fact that numerous enquiries arrive at the publisher verifies their timeless validity . For wisdom – and nothing else is taught here – there is no use by date. Specifically now, at a time of monetary crisis and insecurities, the “Blue Notebooks” offer a guideline , a path to the long-awaited New Age, that will also be a Cosmic Age at the same time. These points of reference appeal to each and every one at this time of change into a New Age and we suggest that you gratefully accept them. With blessings for the readers Anny Baguhn Hamburg, November 1961 Note The term “HEART” in the “Blue Notebooks” does not refer to the physical heart that is part of physical matter, but to the SPIRITUAL HEART in the centre of the chest of the ethereal BODY of the SOUL.