Reincarnation – an original Christian doctrine

37 The Lord asks every individual soul: Oh human being, my child, engage in divine meditation! Reconsider your life , absolve the basic grades of your life and do so in your terrestrial garment. Not one more time should you wander in your terrestrial garment and repeat the same basic grade again. No! Accomplish every grade with me and you will be able to soar high! You believe to be at home here …Children of my heart, this place here on Earth is a transit camp , a probation camp for beggars and kings and the destination is unity! A cross shines at the destination. The cross tells you: You are brothers and sisters conjoint with the one – Christ! 3. Contrasts between Church faith and prophetic revelations We do indeed find numerous common factors and also differences within the details of either system of indoctrination, but I do not intent to place them under closer scrutiny here, because the readers can easily determine them by themselves. A synopsis of the mentioned theme reveals two very distinct hindrances and they make a synthesis quite impossible: They are 1. the doctrine of the Church that states that the soul of a human being is directly created from nothing when the body is procreated and 2. the doctrine of eternal damnation for sinning people and the devil. The majority of the inner contradiction of the Christian Church’s faith derive from these two schools of thought. The doubting objections of critically minded people about God’s injustice can also be directly associated with these schools of thought. This is opposed by statements from the world of the spirit , namely that the soul is a spirit entity of divine origin, that it encumbered itself with original sin in the heavenly regions, that it treads the path of redemption on Earth, the realm of those fallen from grace, and that it will end with the return of every spiritual being to its divine origin. The statements from the world of spirit do indeed contradict the doctrine of the Church, but not the Holy Scriptures and the doctrines from the earliest teachers of the Church, ergo renowned Church fathers of early Christendom; the following is going to verify this. With its denial of the pre-existence of the soul , namely its existence long before its terrestrial embodiment and the preceding personal encumbrance through original sin and its consequences, as well as the apokatastasis of all souls the Holy Scriptures ( Acts 3, 21 ) calls “restore everything” , the Church severed a spiritual band that allowed the meaning of the human existence to appear as a logical sequence. It portraits human beings as wayfarers that left their homeland voluntarily, that have to find their way in the world until homesickness makes them strive and achieve their return. When the Church rejects the exodus from the homeland and the return to it of every wanderer and instead teaches their ancestry being “from nothing” and leaves the threat of a possible hopeless aberration open, there is certainly no room in their working model that people could possibly free themselves by assiduously refining and cleansing their soul and asking for God’s assistance in order to be freed from all false tracks – to then still find their way back home even after repeated failures… The Church must continue to teach the singularity of people’s terrestrial existence, the singular chance of every human being, for as long as they deny pre-existence and apokatastasis , because the idea of repetitions would not just be meaningless, but actually impossible due to the idea of the new- creation of each soul.